How to cast on and off using stranding method?

Feel like giving it a go

by a stranding method, i [I]PRESUME[/I] you mean a 2 (or more color) cast on.
[B]1–simple 2 color.[/B] [/COLOR]

tie two strands (2 colors of Yarn) together, using a slip KNOT (this is not a stitch, do not count)

Use color A for thumb, color B for index finger… cast on.
([I][B]Use standard long tail cast on… [/B][/I]if you don’t know this cast on, check video link above for directions, or google)

at end of row, start working in standed/fair isle, (or cut one yarn)
at end of first row, drop doubled slip knot.

[COLOR=Blue][B]2–Braided cast on.[/B][/COLOR]

tie two strands (2 colors of Yarn) together, using a slip KNOT (this is not a stitch, do not count)
(again, [I][B]the cast on method is standard long tail[/B][/I])

Use color [B][COLOR=Red]A[/COLOR][/B] for thumb, color [B]B[/B] for index finger… cast on 1 stitch

then, loosen hold on yarn, and lift thumb yarn forward and up and make it index finger yarn, ([COLOR=Red][B]A[/B][/COLOR] goes on index) and rotate [B]B[/B] back and down, (and make yarn B thumb yarn) Cast on 1

Again rotate yarn (in the same direction…)
–thumb yarn comes forward and up (to index finger)
----index finger yarn goes back and down, (to thumb)

(repeat, alternating 1 stitch on needle of A, with 1 stitch on needle of B

you’ll know you are doing it right if yarns twist (and twist!)

[B]for R(row/round) 1,[/B] A–PURL rotate yarns the same way, (working from purl) Old yarn goes to front and down, new yarn comes Up from behind

work in [B][COLOR=Red]A[/COLOR]B[COLOR=Red]A[/COLOR]B[/B] pattern…
(repeat same process for knit rows, (purl side is 'outward or right side of work)

(when you get 2 color braid, learn 3 color braid, (in cast on, third yarn just ‘hangs’ )

[B]see a sample of cast on 1 [/B]here
see a sample of cast on 2[/B] (with 3 R’s of 3 color braided cast on, and 3 R’s knit braiding) here

read more about cast ons, and find a list of references and links starting here