How to: Cardigan Pattern ARMHOLES

Can someone explain how to do this? In image or video format?

Cardigan pattern, up to this part:

Divide for armholes: Next row: (RS). *Knit
to 1 st before marker. Remove marker. Join a
2nd ball of yarn and cast off 2 sts. Rep from

  • once more. Knit to end of row. 24 (26-28-
  1. sts for each Front and 48 (52-56-62) sts
    for Back.
    Working both Fronts at same time with
    separate balls of yarn, cont in stocking st
    until armhole measures 3 (3-3-3½)" [7.5
    (7.5-7.5-9) cm], ending on a purl row for
    Right Front or a knit row for Left Front.

It sounds like you’ve been working this pattern bottom up and you’re now at the point where you divide for the fronts and back at the armholes. Cast off 2sts at the markers (one in front of the marker and one after) on each side. Check that you have the given number of sts for the fronts and the back for your size.

The pattern then has you knit the fronts at the same time with separate balls of yarn.

What is the name of the pattern?

Thank you for replying.

This is the pattern:

I’ve only ever made simple things before but I’ve decided to challenge myself with this for my daughter. I’m not sure how to knit fronts at the same time with two balls of yarn?

It’s a bit like working two projects at the same time with two balls of yarn. You’ll knit across the first front to the end with yarn #1, drop yarn #1, pick up yarn #2 and work to the end of the second front. Each front has its own yarn source.
It has the benefit that you can complete any shaping of the neck on both pieces. If you find it too much, you can always work one front first and when that’s finished, go back and work the second.
This tutorial may help visualize the idea:

Very cute pattern! Thanks for the link.

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I’m also confused with this same pattern. Does it make sense that one ball of yarn is used for only 24 stiches and then the other ball is used for the rest of the row which is 72 stiches? Thank you.

Welcome to the forum!
One ball of yarn is used to knit the right front. There’s a cast off for the underarm and then the second ball of yarn is used to knit across the back, cast off for the underarm and then knit the left front. You end with one ball of yarn attached to the front right 24sts and one attached to the front left 24sts with gaps on either side before the back sts.
The back sts are ignored until the 2 fronts are finished. You need not use a new ball of yarn if you don’t have it or don’t want to. You could use the other end of the working yarn ball to knit the second front.

Thanks for the previous help…I was able to finish the all the knitting of back and front. I find that they don’t really give enough instruction with this pattern.
I now have another question so I can finish the sweater. Under "finishing"it says to sew shoulder sleeves? Does that mean to sew up each seam up the two sleeves? After you would sew each sleeve into the armhole? Thanks again.

I think that’s a small typo error in the pattern. I think it should say something like
Sew shoulder seams
Sew sleeve and shoulder seems.

The shoulder seam is the part at the top of the body from neck out to shoulder, which joins front and back.

Edited to add: there is no instruction in the pattern as to when to sew the sleeve seam (cuff to underarm). I suggest leaving the sleeve as a flat piece whilst you seam it to the body and sewing the sleeve seam afterwards. It’s easier to match up and sew with the sleeve flat.
Seam shoulders. Join sleeve to arm hole. Seam sleeve.
Hope this helps.