I’m a fairly new, but adventurous knitter. I recently found this gorgeous lace pattern, and decoded the chart and wrote out the pattern. I tried it and it worked beautifully! I want to make something with it, but I don’t know what to make. I only use cotton yarn. I have some deep purple Lion Brand 24/7 yarn (mercerized) that I thought might look nice. I thought of a wall hanging or some curtain panels. Does anyone have any other ideas? https://www.knittingkingdom.com/chandelier-lace-stitch/
How should I use this beautiful lace pattern?
That really is a lovely pattern and so aptly named. It would make a beautiful front panel on a sweater or a light, lacy shawl. Whatever you choose to do will be an enjoyable knit!
It’s similar to a top I made a while ago (2016!! time flies)
As salmonmac said whatever you decide to do will look stunning with this lace. Good luck.
It’s a lovely lace.
Do you like throws on arm chairs or across a bed? I like to have some superfluous soft furnishings around the house just to soften things up.
Often home design magazines show a throw or shawl across sofa, arm of a chair or draped over a foot stool or the stair banister rail etc, for colour and texture. It reduces echo in the house too.
It will be lovely whatever you make.
If anyone else wants to try this pattern, which is a Japanese pattern, the strange “loop” symbols mean to knit/purl through the back leg. And note that the first/last stitch is not in the repeat section. I didn’t even know how to read a chart when I found this, but I was so inspired, I did the research and learned! There are LOTS of knit/purl tbl’s in this pattern, but they give it a 3-D effect that’s so beautiful that it’s worth it!
That is just gorgeous
Thank you
One other note for anyone who wants to try this pattern: On row 15, the very last stitch of the whole row should be an ssk instead of a CDD because there will only be 2 sts left.
This is beautiful. Did a quick google search and found this gorgeous shawl on Ravelry.
Definitely putting it on my list!
Beautiful. I love the delicate edge.