How much yarn for Classic Cardy?

So I have been looking at cardigan patterns lately. mainly because of the super airconditioned places when I am wearing less clothing than in the winter.
Has a cardigan pattern, but I can’t find how much yarn it calls for. Am I blind? what does x50gm mean?

Under the size you want, there is a number. That number tells you how many 50 gm. balls of All Seasons Cotton yarn are called for in this pattern.

So, ay I was making the smallest size, do you think I would be able to substitute 5, 100g acrylic worsted weight for the 10, 50 g balls?

I was also wondering what if I wanted to use bigger needles? that would throw the whole pattern off wouldn’t it? So I would have to make certain things smaller, gosh, too much thinking heh.

I think yardage is a more accurate way to go. All Season Cotton has 98 yds per skein. And at 10 skeins, I would calculate that I need 980 yds (I would round to 1000) in substitute to be safe. If you use acrylic, think about getting non dye lot so that you can buy more if you need it and not worry about color variances. You should only change your needle size to get the correct gauge. The pattern calls for size 7 needles, but you might find that YOU need to use a size 8 or a size 6 to get the specified gauge. That’s why testing your gauge is so important. :wink:
Hope that helps :slight_smile: