How fast do you knit?

Have you ever timed yourself?

The question was triggered by an observation that I like to knit slowly. After I got a bit more efficient, the process became more important than the result. And even though rushing makes me more stressed, it seemed like a waste of time to do it slower than possible, right?

So I timed myself to see how much time I ‘waste’ exactly. Surprising result – I knit about 19 stitches in 20 seconds if I try to do it fast but even if I slow down, it’s still 14 stitches in 20 second in St st. To double check, did it again in a faster mode, was struggling with one stitch that was trying to escape and got only 16 stitches in 20 sec.

Verdict: rushing is not worth it :slight_smile:

What is your experience?

I’ve never timed myself - all I know is that when I’m tired it feels like I’m knitting in slow motion, when I concentrate on what I’m doing I knit slowly, and when I’m watching television and not paying attention I knit faster. :slight_smile:

I’ve never timed myself or anything, but I think I’m a pretty steady knitter under normal circumstances. If I’m more tired, then I tend to go pretty slow. And for some odd reason, I’ve noticed that I can purl a lot faster that I can knit.

I don’t time myself either. I just started a project on size 17s with worsted weight and I go a lot slower than with size 11s or smaller because the tips are short and hard to hold on to. But I’m pretty fast on regular size needles (9 to 13s)

I’ve never timed myself either. But I have definately noticed that I have a comfortable speed and when I try to push beyond that I start making mistakes and have to go back and redo things anyway. So, I completely agree. Pushing to go faster just isn’t worth it.

That’s unusual. Most people slow way down purling.

People have told me I knit fast, but frankly, I don’t see it. I am a lefty so I have to change things quite abit to read patterns and such, slows you down. I can whiz right through something if I listen to an audiobook though, which I think is funny.

I’ve never timed myself but I notice when I first pick up the work (usually at the beginning of a row) I am a tad slower until I get out of second gear into high. I wish I could purl as fast as I knit but that is slower as I watch it more closely, I guess. If I try to ‘hurry up’ I know I will make boo-boos and tinking is not fun. So, relax and enjoy the ride.

That’s unusual. Most people slow way down purling.

Not necessarily, depends on which style you do. I knit english and I think my purling may go a tad faster than knits; I can see where combo style might be faster on the purls too.

I purl faster than knit too… and I use continental style. It might be considered ‘wrong’ in North America, however it is OK in Europe. I checked educational videos to make sure :slight_smile: So, I knit through the back loop (my mom calls them ‘legs’ as if the stitch is standing over the needle:)) and move the yarn behind the stitch that is worked. My stitches are sitting differently on the needle as well, the back loop is closer than the front loop… I am not sure where I am going with that :slight_smile: Anyway, I think the purl movement is simpler in my case, so yeah, it’s possible.

You actually knit a ‘combined’ style, not standard continental in which the leg closest to the needle tip is in front. But that’s okay and yeah, probably why you purl faster too.

hooray! thanks! Now my style has a name and surprisingly it’s not ‘the wrong style’! :slight_smile:

I have this idea for a video – what if a few knitters with different styles took turns knitting the same piece (a swatch), would the stitches look different? (other than possibly different tension?)

I don’t know why I’m faster at the purl stitch. I didn’t learn it til late December of last year. I think I make my knit stitches a bit looser than I do the purl stitch, and it’s just easier for me. I thought it was pretty unusual myself. Oh and I knit continental. :slight_smile:

Olha, you may be knitting Eastern European style. Does it look like this?

Well, since I am from Eastern Europe, there might be something to it :wink: I just never saw anything other then English or Continental on most popular tutorials…

You won’t find much about it on the internet. I had to really dig to find it. From what I read, Eastern European is the oldest form of knitting, dating back to 200 a.d. I thought I was the only one who knitted that way on this forum. Sistah! lol

Hello, sistah! :slight_smile: How did you learn it then if you don’t mind me asking? I mean, in my country knitters use it just because it was passed from one generation to another, teachers use it, it’s in books and magazines and such. I don’t assume anything about people’s backgrounds, just curious if you chose it for any reason over other styles. (Are we still within the topic?) :slight_smile:

I just sent you a private email.

It probably wouldn’t look any different as long as the sts weren’t twisted.

Yeah, Russian is another form of how you knit. Thanks to the internet, these ‘alternate’ styles are becoming more widely known. And we’re quite on topic, which style you knit can affect your speed or effectiveness in knitting or purling.

I watched the popular video of the fastest knitter and – because her hands just turn into blurr :)-- couldn’t tell what style she was using. Does anyone know?