How do you convert child bolero to adult size?

anyone know how to go about doing that to a pattern? on the “What ya knitting” page, there is this awesome child’d neck down bolero that i would love to make for myself…any suggestions.

I might check your gauge and see how many inches wide you need it, and do some creative math work. I am trying to do something simular to a pleated skirt pattern.

I am trying to expand a 29 inch waist to a 38/40 inch waist. So what I will do is find my gauge, see how many stiches are in the pattern, and adjust the to the nearest stitch count.

I am sorry I can’t be more help…

Nick down patterns are easier than others I would think, but I don’t have a clue how to do any of that. Have you tried finding an adult pattern that is similar? :think:

Are you on Ravelry? If so look up “shrug” and “bolero” there are many choices among those two searches.

OH OH! I just went to the Knitting Pure and Simple site and looked at what was new…they have the adult version of that bolero now!!

wow - thanks! That sure solved that problem didn’t it? you are awesome.

Thanks Jan!! I have just the yarn for that!!!