I couldn’t see how to do it. :??
How do you bind off when using Magic Loop?
The same way you BO on circs or knitting flat. At the beg of the round, work 2 sts, pass one over the other, k1, pass the st over etc. When you get to the last st on the front side, just let the circ loop out away from you and work the first st on the other side, pass the st over. There’s no different technique involved.
I think that makes sense. I was sliding the first loop onto the cable and then wasn’t sure what to do. :??
The reason I wanted to try it in the first place is because some of the patterns on the Knit Picks Tidings of Joy Ornament Kit start with something like, “CO 3 st, join to work in round” and I found it difficult to tell which stitch or side of one needle to knit into first and wasn’t sure if the work was twisting or not. It was just a little confusing.:hiding:
Keep the st on the needle part, the cord is mainly used to hold the sts you’re not using, or for flexibility.
Thank you for explaining that! You are so awesome. :cheering: