This is my first time knitting a raglan sweater and I have made it to the point of shaping the neck but I can’t figure out how to do it. If someone could, can you please write this out in simpler steps or suggest a different way of doing it?
Continue decreasing every other row as before and shape the neck edge as follows: slip 1, work until 1 stitch remains on the needle. Turn your work. Slip 1, work until 3 stitches remain on the needle. Turn your work. slip 1, work until 3 stitches remain on the needle. Turn your work. Slip 1, work until 3 stitch remains on the needle. Turn your work. Continue in this manner with 2 more stitches after every turn until all the raglan decreases have been worked. When the neck opening meets the raglan decreases in the front, work the decreases on the sleeves and back only.
• also, do I stop shaping the neck once I reach the raglan decreases at the joins
• included some pictures of the creators sweater as an example to see