How do I proceed

So, I have now divided for the sleeves and am starting the body of the the Tin Can Knits Moraine top down sweater.

I have followed the instructions to slip 3 stitches from the LH needle to the RH needle without working, and replaced the BOR marker. My question is: do I just carry the working yarn across the three unworked stitches to proceed with the lice stitch pattern?

I have included the instructions and a photo of my work - I will await your thoughts.IMG_1263 IMG_1262
I would read ahead to see if there is any particular reason for slipping these sts instead of knitting them. If not, then I would slip the sts back to the left hand needle, knit them and begin the next round at the new BOR marker

another question: when doing the lice stitch 4 row repeat, I am finding that I need to adjust the 16 stitch grouping to match the previous non-solid lice stitch pattern. is that common or have I done something incorrectly? I have 168 total stitches after dividing for sleeves and I have used stitch markers to note every 16 stitches and 8 for the last group to total 168 stitches.

I believe the lice stitches are supposed to alternate after each solid row. I had to add two stitches that I somehow lost in translation when starting the body after separating for sleeves.

I hope my question is clear.

You want the lice stitch in the contrasting color to continue the pattern of staggered sts on every other row. So the contrasting color on row 3 should align with the middle stitch of 3 main color sts 2 rows below. If you need to add sts somewhere on the round for that pattern to align, then that’s ok.
I’m not sure that answers your question?

that definitely answers my question - I thought I had miscalculated somewhere, but I think it may be the nature of the beast…

Thank you!