How do I increase correctly in cable pattern?

I am knitting an infant sweater which is a cable pattern. I start with 48 stitches and must increase to 144 (over a 5 inch length) knitting into the front and then the back of the stitch. The pattern has 8 rows. Row 1 is knit, 2 purl, 3 sl 2 to cn, knit 2, knit the 2 on cn then knit 4. Row 4 is a purl row, 5 knit, 6 purl, 7 same as 3, 8 is purl. Each row starts with 4 seed stitches and ends with 4 seed stitches. My increases have been only on knit rows because when I increased on purl rows I ended up with holes. I have ripped this out several times because I don’t really know when to increase and the cables are not consistant. The pattern is not clear at all on that. I hope someone out there can help me. I have never done any cabling before and don’t want to give up!

Many thanks in advance.


I don’t know what to say really. The pattern should tell you a little something about how they expect you to increase. Some very old patterns may give very general instructions but newer patterns should tell more. All the information you have given here is that you need to go from 48 to 144 stitches over 5 inches. That is not enough to go on for us to tell you what to do. Is this just one part of a sweater, or are you working all in one piece from the top, perhaps?

Try to tell us more if there is more. If not all I can say is that you will not increase right on the cables, but between the cables. You will need to do it in some logical and even way so all the increases aren’t in one place or anything. I kind of think that if the pattern is not a little more detailed than you outline that maybe you will need to find a better pattern.

You should be able to increase on the purl side if needed without leaving holes. Look on this site for videos about increasing on the purl side. I’m sure there are some good techniques listed.

Yes what you wrote out is the cable stitch pattern only. In the pattern for the sweater itself, it would probably say to place markers and increase there. Look further in the part where it says to begin and end each row with 4 seed sts.

I would think that you’d do the increases on the inside edges of the seed stitch border. The cable pattern would stay were it is, but the sides would expand outward.

Please forgive my absence - had to take the Christmas break - I hope you all had a great one with your families.

This is a freebie pattern which I downloaded from It’s called Sherbet Baby Set. My sweater has hoodie, which I have completed. I then picked up the 48 stitches which begin the yoke. I purled the 1st row, then started the pattern by knitting seed across 4 sts, k4, pm, k8, pm, k16, pm, k8, pm k4, wk seed st across remaining 4 sts.
Nest row: no change

Beg pat
Row 1: Work seed st across 4 sts, k3, inc 1, sl marker, inc 1, k5, inc 1, kt, etc… (56 st). Except I only counted 55.

Row 2: Work seed st across 4 sts, p to last 4 sts, work seed st across last 4 sts.

Continuing to inc in this manner, and maintaining seed st vorders, work in cable p0at, working new sts into pat until there are 144 sts on needle. Yoke should measure 51/2 inches from neck edge. Remove markers on last WS row.

I can’t seem to get the formula right for increasing after the first increase row. My cables are inconsistant and just look awful. I feel that if i can get the yoke right I won’t have trouble (hopefully) with the remainder of the pattern.

[I]4 sts, k4, pm, k8, pm, k16, pm, k8, pm k4, wk seed st across remaining 4 sts.

Row 1: Work seed st across 4 sts, k3, inc 1, sl marker, inc 1, k5, inc 1, kt, etc… (56 st). Except I only counted 55.

Row 2: Work seed st across 4 sts, p to last 4 sts, work seed st across last 4 st[/I]

It looks like there could be an error here

Since you’re knitting 3 and then making the increase in the next stitch, you should kfb in that stitch. This will use the original 4.

However, since you need to increase at each end of the 8 stitches in the next section, you need to [I]Kfb, k6, kfb [/I]in order to use the original 8 stitches. I’d do that in both sections of the 8-stitches and see how that works out for you.

You should end up with 4+5+10+18+10+5+4 = 56

Ingrid, I’m still not understanding what you are telling me as to exactly where I increase before/after cable. I’ve never done any cabling before. And also do I only increase in knit rows?

You won’t be increasing in the cable stitch pattern itself, but in the stitches before or after it.

I will try to do as you have suggested. Keep your fingers crossed for me as this is such a beautiful little sweater and my 5th grandbaby is due in 2 weeks!

Many thanks for your help.