how do I fix a mistake - knit stich, scarf

Hi all!

Beginner here. First off - shout out to rcubed and Creations for the help with casting on. I tried the knit cast-on instead of backwards loop and it was much easier for me to handle and start the next row.

I was making good progress with my scarf until a few stitches slipped off (I believe off the working needle) and I manually put them back on the needle but I don’t think I did it correctly and now my scarf doesnt look right on one side.

See pics (the bottom of the pic is where I see a mistake)

Can you spot how to fix it? (crossing fingers I don’t have to start all over again)

Thank you so much!

Oh gosh… I can’t tell what exactly is wrong but it almost looks like they were twisted around when you put them back on. Not twisted as in mount position but twisted like they were accidentally rotated before being placed back on the needle. If it was me, I’d rip out and start over.

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Good to hear the knit cast on worked out well for you.

Do you know how many stitches you started with and if you have the same number now?

I can’t say for sure what has happened, I suspect your working yarn was in the wrong place when you picked up the stitches and became wrapped around the bottom of your fabric so that when you then worked the next stitch it pulled up the cast on edge.

When stitches drop off we all tend to have a sudden panic and grab them as quickly as possible before they unravel. That’s fine, save them while you can onto whichever needle or stitch holder you can manage to grab them with. But, then stop and have a good look, make sure they are all in the right order and the working yarn is in the right place. If the working yarn has become trapped this could cause a problem which can be fixed by transferring stitches from one needle to the other or onto holders temporarily whilst you sort out where the yarn is, where you are up to, counting the stitches and so on, before you then go ahead with the knitting.
Or as rcubed said maybe the fabric became twisted, transfering the stitches to the other needle whilst you untwist the fabric and ensure everything is flat and where it should be before continuing would be the way to avoid this sort of problem happening again.

Each knitting stitch has a right leg and a left leg, if they go onto the needle the wrong way around you will get a twisted stitch but as a new knitter I probably wouldn’t worry about that at this point. Something to learn later on.

Some options now

  1. Leave it, hand made things have love and kindness sewn into them, they might not be perfect but they have much more than perfection. People can treasure those little mistakes which evidence how much effort has been put in.
  2. Rip it all out and start again.
  3. Continue for now leaving the mistake see how you feel about this part at the end. You might add tassles to cover up, or you might love it, or if you end up really hating this beginning end of it you can learn how to put in a life line, cut off this end part and replace it with a new bind off row to secure the stitches. We can give a link to a video for this and you can practise on a swatch (small sample) before tackling the scarf.
  4. Tink back these few stitches you have worked until you get past the place where the error is. If it is just yarn twisted around the fabric you will be able to reposition it and then reknit the stitches and continue.
    There is a chance that tinking back does not solve the problem and then you choose another option.
    Tinking is a GREAT skill to learn as a new knitter. It is undoing one stitch at a time in a very controlled way so that none are lost. All knitters have to undo stitches at some time or other so knowing how and becoming more confident in this is not time wasted.

Here’s a video on tinking in case you’d like to have a go

Good luck


Thank you so much. And thank you for laying out all the options. Very helpful for future (certain) mistakes. Tinking does seem useful but intimidating at the moment. I ended up starting all over again and made some new mistakes. I started with 20 cast-on stitches. At one point, I had 18 stitches per row but have been at 23 (consistently at least) for awhile now! lol

Here’s my progress so far. Doesn’t look so bad! I have a couple of big holes but these are easier to love than the twists I had earlier.

Learning a lot and having fun.


Not bad at all! Good for you for keeping count of stitches too. It’s going to be a very nice scarf and having fun at the same time is part of the joy of knitting.

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Looking good!
Holes are something knitters put in on purpose to make patterns and interest so they are not necessarily a bad thing so long as it isn’t something that is unravelling.
When you begin a new row make sure you have the last stitch of the previous row correctly positioned. It’s possible to accidentally have that stitch pulled up revealing 2 legs which can look like 2 stitches instead of 1. If you knit into both you can end up increasing stitches. This may not be where your extra stitches came from but I know for me there is the odd time I have that stitch positioned incorrectly at the start of a row and need to make it sit right before i start. Taking the working yarn forwards and down then around to the back makes the stutch flat, taking the working yarn over the needle to the back makes it look like 2 stitches.

Glad you’re enjoying it.