How do I do King Cole buttonholes

How do I do second row of King Cole buttonholes where it says to rib 3, cast on 1 st, (rib 12) cast on 1 st) 4 times, rib 3?
How do I cast on 1 st? Thanks anyone :blush:

A knit cast on or cable cast on is good on a button hole. When you get to the point of casting on you need to turn (as though you were at the end of a row), cast on the new stitch, turn back and continue the row.

This video shows the cable cast on and also an extra tip for wrapping the new stitch to make it stronger . The video is a 3 stitch button hole, just adapt for a 1 stitch hole, ie just cast on 1 and wrap that stitch before placing on the left needle. If you don’t want to do the wrap, just make the cable cast on and turn the work.

There are more in depth or slower videos on cable cast on if you don’t know how to do it. Let us know if you need more help.

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Thankyou so much for your help. Buttonholes now done perfectly.


I hope you’ll share a photo when you’re finished.

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Hello fellow knitters, Great site with instant help Hope I can upload pic, here is a photo of the King Cole little stripey jacket with ‘buttonholes’ done as per the easy to follow instructions and very helpful tips given here to my enquiry. Thankyou Creations. Happy knitting


Oh this is just perfect! Adorable little jacket and cutest buttons, you’ve made it so well.
Thanks for sharing.

Well done! The buttons are an adorable finishing touch.