Hood : help with finishing it


I am having trouble understanding the instructions (please see photo) !


Can someone please help me ?

Thank you in advance !!

Could you please tell us the name and designer/publisher of the pattern, or add a photo or schematic from the pattern?

I don’t know if this helps.

We need to see what it’s supposed to look like. The photo from the top of the page would help, but if we have the name of the pattern and designer, we can look up the pattern itself.

For seaming the hood, it seems to be describing the 3-needle bind-off. Here’s a video that might help:

If that wasn’t your question, please be a bit more specific about what problem you are having.

There is a photo of the sweater from the front so you cannot see the hood.

I am at the end where it says :

**Next row (RS): K to marker and turn. **

Fold hood with RS together and using 3rd needled, cast off…

When I knitted to the marker and turned it over and started the cast off, it made a mess. Luckily, I was able to undo it.

I don’t know if that is clearer.

Thank you for any help you can provide!


What was it that happened when you started the 3 needle bind off? It’s a bit hard to help if we don’t know what happened, did you have right sides together?
The name of the pattern would help, there may be other knitters who have made this and have pictures or tips.

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I should have taken a picture of the mess. I’ll take a picture of the hood when I get home and try and explain.

Thank you.

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Thanks for the pattern pic, it helps people to help you.

This link has a photo of the back with the hood showing and you can just about see the line where the 3 needle bind off is.


I probably don’t have the skills to help with the pattern but the others who have posted already can likely help.

It’s a Rowan pattern designed by Martin Storey, but I notice someone on etsy claiming it’s their design (rude).

When you knit to the marker you’re at the halfway point of the hood. The idea is to fold the hood in half with the halfway marker at the inner fold and the right sides together. The yarn strand is also at that point and the needle points should be facing each other. From then on you’re to join the two halves by 3 needle bind off.
Colocro has posted a link to a video for 3 needle bind off in post #3.
The hood should look approximately like the below drawing. You’ll need another needle as your working needle. Alternatively you can slip the sts from one hood needle onto a slightly smaller size needle and that one of hood needle for the 3 needle bind off.

It’s important to have equal number of sts on each needle.
You can also see the seam created by the 3 needle bind off in the second photo in this project.


Wow. Thank you so much. I was able to do it today.

Thank you everyone for the help and the videos.


That’s great news!

Good going! We’d love to see a photo if you’d like to post one.

Hi everyone,

I finally finished the sweater hoodie for my son !!

Here is picture of it.

I could not have finished it without all of your help,

Thank you


Beautiful work and an excellent hoodie. The sweater fits perfectly with just the right amount of ease. Well done all around.

Great result. It looks shop bought it’s so neat!

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