I got some yarn on discount called I believe Homespun… in this candy apple colors of green. I think its the band, I saved it but saved a bunch of others…pretty sure this is it.
Well I have been trying without success to knit with this yarn. Its bumpy and stretchy and I seem to knit so tight with it its insane. I am usually a loose crafter. Or to guage. I tried the elongated stitch with it… with a 7 8 9 and 10 and a half needle. I am assuming I need a bigger needle to do this.
I did the EL Stitch in some worsted to see the method and see it wraps and comes out in little bundles, but I cant get the same bundles to form with this…its soooo tight. I cant seem to make it looser, seems the elasticness of the yarn keeps it tight.
Any help?
Also… ever get a readlly bad skein of yarn with lots of knots and tie togethers… meaning someone tied the uarn together… Yes I started the skein right. But got this real expensive Boule bumpy yarn and it was a mess…had to make all these little balls to salvage it… not the same yarn as above.
thanks ahead