Holes in my Scarf and Long Rows

I started knitting two years ago, forgot about it and went back to it this past week. I started a brand new project (as the one I was working on back then had gotten dusty. Eww). I cast on, and started the English method of knitting. I’ve gotten several rows going, but noticed that it was quite hole-y. Also, the rows appear to be getting longer with each new one I start. I’ve attached pictures for you to see.

I don’t know what I am doing wrong?

Your help is much appreciated,


Your picture didn’t come through, but it sounds like you’re adding stitches by making accidental yarn overs (YOs), which both make holes and increase stitches. If you’re doing a pattern that alternates knit and purl sts, you’re probably moving the yarn over the needle instead of between the tips. Check and see if that’s it.

I don’t see the pictures, but it may be that you’re either doing accidental yarn overs which add a stitch and create an eyelet (hole) or you’re knitting into a space that is not actually a stitch. I suspect the first.

What is the pattern you’re doing? Are you supposed to be adding stitches on some rows and decreasing on others?

I’m not following a pattern… Just knitting a… straight line(?).

Watch what you’re doing then to see if you’re pulling the old st off the L needle after you’ve made the new st, or somehow wrapping the yarn around the R needle without it being inserted into a st on the L needle. Also at the beginning of a row, if you have the yarn up over the top of the needle to the back, it pulls the first st up so its 2 legs look like separate sts. Hold the yarn out to the side a little so you can easily see the first st and only knit into it once.