Hi I’m a complete newbie, new to this site and new to knitting. I can however cast on cast off and I’ve made lots of scarves for Christmas presents in the past .
Hi I'm new
Welcome to the forum Caro1ine, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Here is always someone knowledgeable enough to know or find solution to resolve problems.
Welcome to the forum. Good luck with your new endeavors and always helpful nice people here to help. Have fun !!!
Hi, Caro1ine. I’ve been knitting for nearly 60 years, but I still find the people in this forum quite helpful and friendly. You’re in very good hands here. With your history of scarf making, you’re more than ready to plunge into the wide wonderful world of — gasp — shaping. Choose something relatively simple, like a hat, to start with. Since you’ve knit so many scarves, perhaps you have enough yarn left over from one of them to knit a matching hat. You might like to start with one that is knit flat and seamed up. But if you’re up for a small challenge, this is an excellent way to discover the magic of knitting in the round. Don’t worry about patterns for now. Just knit a simple stocking knit hat and you’re golden. Or find a pattern you really like and ask all the questions you need to here. Just let us know what the pattern is so we’ll have a good idea of how to answer you. Also, don’t neglect all the extremely useful YouTube videos on techniques. Some even show how the knit an entire project, and you can knit along with the video. Relax, have fun, and enjoy the journey.
If you can cast on, cast off, knit, purl, and count - well that’s pretty much all there is to knitting anything.
Choose a project and jump right in. There’s lots of support here for the tricky parts (which are really just knitting, purling and counting although it can seem complicated).