Hi everyone,
I am knitting a sirdar pattern 10048 which is a scarf and I’m a little stuck on the pattern and I was wondering if anyone could help me.
So I have set up the pattern from row 1-8 and I need to inc on row 1 and row 4.
It now says from 1st to 8th row sets patt and position of increases.
Keeping continuity of patt and positions of shaping as set proceed as follows:-
Work 182 rows inc 1st in next and every foll 4th row as before. 69 sts.
So I have started to do the 9th row however if I do as the pattern tells me to I will have 2 stitches left on my needle and I’m unsure what to do with them?
This is the next row
(K1,p1) twice, inc in next st, k2 (p1,k1) twice, p1, k5, (p1, k1) twice
Any help would be appreciated
Hi help with a pattern
There is a narrow rib pattern of k1, p1,k1, p1 (or purl, k, p, k depending where you are on the row) which adds a nice bit of detail running up the scarf. These rib parts need to be kept in line so a column of rib is formed. The increases will happen in the places given and this increases the number of knit stitches between the rib columns.
Therefore rather than k5 on this row it may be k7 to account for the earlier increases and the larger stitch count.
I can’t say for sure if this is k7 as I don’t know the other rows of the pattern. The easiest thing is probably to identify where your rib columns are and put a stitch marker either side so that as your stitch count continues to increase you can just knit up to the marker, slip the marker, follow the rib pattern, slip the next marker and continue to knit.
Does that make sense?
Hi thank you for replying. I also thought that but I wasn’t too sure, this is the pattern:
1st row (k1,p1) twice, inc in next st, k2 (p1,k1) twice, p1, k5, (p1,k1) twice
2nd row. K2,p1,k1,p5,k1(p1,k1)twice,p4,k1,p1,k2
3rd row (k1,p1) twice, k4(p1,k1,) twice, p1,k5, (p1,k1) twice
4th row. K2, p1, k7, (p1,k1) twice, p1, k5, p1, k2
5th row. (K1, p1) twice, inc in next st, k3, (p1,k1) twice, p1, k5, (p1,k1) twice
6th row. K2, p1, k1, p5, k1, (p1,k1) twice, p5, k1, p1, k2.
7th row. (K1, p1) twice, k5, (p1,k1) twice, p1, k5, (p1, k1) twice.
8th row. K2, p1, k7, (p1, k1) twice, k6, p1, k2
Then keep continuity of pattern.
So if I increase the k5 I will have to do that with the purls aswel on the following rows after inc? Is that right?
Looking at the pattern now it seems that the detail rib part may not be plain 1x1 rib but perhaps a rib and garter rib column or possibly a 1x1 rib and then a single stitch of garter on the very edge stitch to keep that edge neat.
Essentially you need to keep the pattern lined up, the increases made in the same place each time, and the sections where the increases have been put in the knit or purl will increase. If you out markers in where the pattern columns are you probably don’t need to count the in-between stitches, you’ll just work up to the next marker.
I think I’ll just have a go at working up the pattern to check for you
Hello again
Did your first 8 rows work up okay??
I have worked rows 1 to 3 and its a pretty pattern.
There is a single garter stitch each end and some columns of 1x1 rib. The parts between have a few rows of stocking stitch and this switches to reverse stocking stitch on row 4, this would make sense for a scarf as it can been seen both sides.
However row 4 has me stumped it takes 23 stitches to work the row and there are only 22 stitches at this point.
Row 5 uses 22 stitches and increases gy 1 making 23 stitches which works out right for row 6.
I can’t find any errata on this pattern.
Did you start with 21 stitches?
Did you work a kfb (knit front and back) for the increase?
Is it possible you typed the pattern out incorrectly (easily done)?
Hi again,
Yes I started on 21 stitches the first two rows are garter stitches then I started with the pattern.
Apologies I didn’t write the first two rows.
Yes I worked the first part of the pattern fine just now stumped on what would be row 9.
This is row 4 K2, p1, k7, (p1, k1) twice, k5, p1, k2.
Sorry I accidentally popped in an extra p1
Tha ks for the info.
I went back to it and worked out that there was an extra p1 in row 4 as the rest of it worked up OK.
I have knit to row 8 and will post a photo which will hopefully help
Meanwhile, row 9 will be
1st row (k1,p1) twice, inc in next st, k4 (p1,k1) twice, p1, k5, (p1,k1) twice
See how the k2 has changed to k4? These are the increased stitches which were put in on rows 1 and 5. This is the point where the stitch count changes.
This is after row 8 and the work has been turned ready to work row 9.
Looking from left 5o right.
1 stitch garter, this is a knit on every row regardless of which side you are on.
Red marker shows where my single edge stitch is
3 stitches which make a 1x1 rib column. This column remains the same through the pattern
Yellow marker to show change between the rib section and the stockinette section
5 stitches which makes a fabric of stockinette broken up on rows 4 and 8 with a garter ridge. This set of 5 stitches stays the same through the pattern.
Yellow marker to show the change between the stockinette pattern and the next rib column
5 stitches of 1x1 rib. This column remains the same through the pattern
Pink marker shows the change from rib to stockinette increase section
Currently 5 stitches- this is the increase section - the stitches between these 2 pink markers will increase each time you work a row 1 or row 5
Second pink marker shows end of increase section
3 stitches forming a rib column this stays the same through the pattern
Red marker to show where the edge stutch is
Final stitch a garter, knit every row
Hopefully, if you place some markers, you will be able to follow these sections and not need to know exactly how many stitches come between those pink markers. Incidentally I purposely marked the section that stay the same in yellow but the section which changes in pink so that no matter which side I’m on I know the stitch count only changes between the pink markers.
If you don’t have stitch markers you can use coloured yarn made into a loop.
Row 10 which is a repeat of row 2 will be
Let us know how you get on.
Thank you so much for helping me, yes I understand I did think the increases were where you said.
I will restart tonight and let you know how I get on.
Thank you again
Hope it goes well for you.
Do come back if it’s still unclear though.
Hi sorry I’m stumped again, I’m on what would be row 11
(K1, p1) twice, k4, (p1,k1) twice, p1, K5, (p1,k1)
And I have 2 stitches left again so would it be:
(K1, p1) twice, k4, (p1, k1) twice, p1, K7, (p1, k1)
No, I am pretty sure the increase section is the one near the beginning of the row for odd number rows.
3rd row (k1,p1) twice, k6(p1,k1,) twice, p1,k5, (p1,k1) twice
Did you mark up the increase section? It would make it much easier to identify where the extra stitches are include.
Later, when the increase section is wider and more prominently leaning it should be more obvious too, and of course you will get the hang of the pattern.
Each of the 8 rows you are repeating will have a “new” number in the increase section so there will always be more stitches than the pattern states here.
See if you can put some markers in, safety pins or a piece of thread, I also use little plastic rings from my electric tooth brush head’s, anything to denote that section of the fabric.
See how row 11 goes.