My dh made this Swift for me. He looked at a bunch online then figured out how to do it. Now I’m just waiting on the Ball Winder to arrive via the mail.
My dh made this Swift for me. He looked at a bunch online then figured out how to do it. Now I’m just waiting on the Ball Winder to arrive via the mail.
Cool! What a great husband!
That looks great!!! Your DH is a keeper
Wowser! That’s very cool – he’s pretty handy!
Very nice!
Where did he find the pattern? I it.
[COLOR=“DarkOrchid”]How Clever!
Love it!
That’s great! Kinda funny, because my dh just made me a swift this weekend, too! It’s currently at my MIL’s, though, getting prettied (she does one-stroke painting). It’s a different design, too. The design of yours is very clever, I like it Isn’t it nice to have a handy husband?
How wonderful!!!
Nice. Please share where he got the pattern.
Dh said he made this just by looking at other ones he saw online. If you do a Google search for Yarn Swift you will get to see a bunch that others have made and some do give their patterns too. HOpe that helps you out.:knitting:
very nice.
What wonderful husbands you have Angie and QL. It’s great when our spouses enable our hobbies.
Very nice, what a sweet thing to do!
And, is that a little Hello Kitty house I saw off to the right?? :teehee:
I received the Ball Winder in today’s mail that I purchased from Joann Fabrics. I just did four hanks and I LOVE how the Ball Winder works!! I wish I had gotten one and also the swift years ago! :cheering:
Now that is one cool SWIFT, and one even COOLER husband!
Give him a big hug from us![I][B] He’s a keeper![/B][/I]
Wow! You are a lucky lady. I need to see if I can get my sig other to do that
That’s nice …u r lucky dear
Can anyone tell me how I am able to view the picture of the swift this lady’s husband made please. I can see the post and replies but no photo. I realise it is a very old post so perhaps photo has been removed.
Indeed you’re right. The problem is that this is an old post. When the site migrated to a new server some of the older photos didn’t carry over.
@Quiltlady hasn’t been on the forum in quite some time but you might try sending a private message to her.