Here is the Swift my dh made me

My dh made this Swift for me. He looked at a bunch online then figured out how to do it. Now I’m just waiting on the Ball Winder to arrive via the mail.


Cool! What a great husband!

That looks great!!! Your DH is a keeper :slight_smile:

Wowser! That’s very cool – he’s pretty handy!

Very nice!

Where did he find the pattern? I :heart: it.

[COLOR=“DarkOrchid”]How Clever!
Love it!

That’s great! Kinda funny, because my dh just made me a swift this weekend, too! It’s currently at my MIL’s, though, getting prettied (she does one-stroke painting). It’s a different design, too. The design of yours is very clever, I like it :slight_smile: Isn’t it nice to have a handy husband?

How wonderful!!!

Nice. Please share where he got the pattern.

Dh said he made this just by looking at other ones he saw online. If you do a Google search for Yarn Swift you will get to see a bunch that others have made and some do give their patterns too. HOpe that helps you out.:knitting:

very nice.

What wonderful husbands you have Angie and QL. It’s great when our spouses enable our hobbies.

Very nice, what a sweet thing to do!

And, is that a little Hello Kitty house I saw off to the right?? :teehee:

I received the Ball Winder in today’s mail that I purchased from Joann Fabrics. I just did four hanks and I LOVE how the Ball Winder works!! I wish I had gotten one and also the swift years ago! :cheering:

Now that is one cool SWIFT, and one even COOLER husband!
Give him a big hug from us![I][B] He’s a keeper![/B][/I]

Wow! You are a lucky lady. I need to see if I can get my sig other to do that :slight_smile:

That’s nice …u r lucky dear

Can anyone tell me how I am able to view the picture of the swift this lady’s husband made please. I can see the post and replies but no photo. I realise it is a very old post so perhaps photo has been removed.

Indeed you’re right. The problem is that this is an old post. When the site migrated to a new server some of the older photos didn’t carry over.
@Quiltlady hasn’t been on the forum in quite some time but you might try sending a private message to her.