I finally decided that I would join all of you who has one of these already. I do feel that I need to warn you that I am a stay at home mom who really does stay at home. I take my kids to and from school and occasionally go to the grocery store. It pretty much is a boring little life for the most part.
I thought I would start off with the 100 things about me. Sometimes I can get wordy so this is your warning…:whistle:
My name is Debbie and I live in New Jersey with my husband and 3 daughters-Taylor (6), Emily (4) and Kimberly (2). I have another daughter Christi (20) who lives in California and is going to college.
I was born in Eureka, CA and grew up in Arcata, CA and although I know there is really no going home (as in as soon as you leave, the place will never be the same as you remember it), I love going back there, back to the redwoods that I never really appreciated until I moved to San Diego. Palm trees are no redwood trees…
I am a member of the Yurok Tribe of California. It is one of the largest tribes by membership (almost 5,000) in California but we are not a tribe with a lot of money.
I am married to Edwin who is Dutch. He moved over here about 10-11 years ago to work at the flower farm I was working at. I was packing the flowers for shipment and he was the supervisor for the oriental lily picking crew.
He asked me to marry him on Xmas Eve 1997 (I think) and we moved to San Diego County that following year.
It is because of him that I am where I am. I never had a reason to leave Humboldt County, CA and I never really thought about it until we had the opportunity to move. It is because of him that I have seen The Netherlands (4 or 5 times, his family are all still there), Belgium and Paris, France 2 times. It is because of him that I moved 3,000 miles to a place sight unseen and I have fallen in love with it!
I have 2 older brothers. Both are into the mechaniching (I think I just made that word up!) side of cars. The oldest was diagnosed with myleodysplatic syndrome last year and almost died the year before when we thought he had aplastic anemia. He just recently had a bone marrow transplant in San Francisco and has to stay there for another 2 months. My other brother works in the mill industry in Humboldt County and probably always will. He has also built him self a super pro drag car out of a 1969 GTO and is currently in the top 10 out of 38 in points for the season. I don’t want to think of the thousands he has put into that car!
I recently had to put my 20 year old cat Hobbes to sleep. She was my cat in every sense of the word. I had her since she was a little tiny grey and white hissy faced kitten. She only tolerated the kids as they grew, never really cared for my husband and slept with me every single night. She could be playing with me and when I said NO she knew what it meant and stopped right away. I could leave fish, steak or tuna on the floor and she would not eat it, she only ate cat food. I miss her every single day. She is buried in our backyard.
I am a cat person at heart. (duh!)
I had no goals in high school and they never helped me with anything there.
My mom lives up on the Yurok Reservation with her husband who is on the tribal council. They live on the side of a mountain (but not a real big one) and have no running water and no electricity. They have solar panels and a pump and they have a little family cemetary on the property. I think that when she is up there and there are no storms knocking out the local roads, that is where she is the happiest.
The “man” who fathered me and my brothers, I have not talked to in some 20 years and I like it that way. He does have sketchy contact with my brothers and that is fine for them but I would be happy not ever seeing him again…
And on a lighter note-my husband brings me home flowers quite a bit because he is renting his office from a online flower company. When they don’t sell all the flowers they have on hand, the employees (and Edwin who does not work for them) gets to bring home roses and mixed bunches of flowers every now and then!
I think I will stop here for now, the husband wants me in the livingroom with him and with the fire in the fireplace, it does sound nice right now!