Helpful How to Use the Forum Videos

Hey Everyone,

I am working on creating some brief how-to screencasts that show how to use various features of the forum. These will be basic videos such as how to sign up, post a question, reply to a conversation, attach a photo, etc. As I produce them, I will add them to this thread. Here’s the first video:

Signing up for an Account on the KnittingHelp Forum
(you can view in full-screen by clicking the square in the bottom right of the video player)

Thank you!



Sounds good! There are many people who prefer videos so this does the trick.

I still do not understand why I need to “sign up” just to read or reply to any posts. What’s the point of that? Why do you need to know everything about me first before being allowed in? Seems very prejudicial to me.


Hi @Vaughn_De_Leath

Welcome to Like most forums and some social websites we allow anyone to come in and read posts. But to ask questions and participate in posts we simply ask people to sign up as it helps build community, give the forum personality, allows for friendships and connections to be made, and prevents spammers. The only information we ask for is an email address and that email address is never sold or used for anything beyond forum notifications and infrequent announcements from

Thank you for signing up,



thanks, this is my first time. I can’t even figure out yet how to post my question.

Welcome to KH!
Use the +New Topic rectangular button at the top right. It can be found on pages that list categories and previous topics (use the menu button in the top right of the current page to see these pages; it’s the 3 horizontal bars). Then fill in the boxes and click Reply to post.

My name is Marie, I am new to this site and look forward to meeting fellow knitters.

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Great idea! Videos are extremely helpful along with the expertise of very adept knitters.

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Hello. Great site! Can anyone give me the pattern for the vw hat by Jessica Sant? I can not find it anywhere. Even if I can just get the graph for adding the vw insignia. Thank you so much!

Welcome to KH!
This is the hat pattern

and here is a link to charts for the logo.

how do I sign into the blog

Hi, trying to learn how to sign up, but the video just says it’s private, and won’t play? Any help appreciated. Kind regards JayKay

Welcome to the forum!
Which video are you trying to open?

Trying to view the sign up video but video says private

Welcome to the forum!
The video probably didn’t transfer when the forum moved servers. If you have any questions about how the forum works, just post them here. We’re happy to have you join us.

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I can’t see the video. It says I must have signed in. I thought I did that. I also understood that the video would cover that. I’m so frustrated! I would like to participate but this is so complicated that I’m discouraged.

It looks like this site isn’t working. If I want to read a response I don’t know how.

There are videos that didn’t transfer when the forum moved servers. You should however by able to read the posts above this one and any others once you’re logged in.
Go to the menu icon (the 3 bars in the upper right) and click on that. If you go to “Latest” you’ll see the most recent topics that have been posted.