
Icant figure out how to figure out my pattern I tells me to change from knitting in the round which is with 4 dpn to straight knitting I cant figure how to do this the project is round ball shape and wont straighten out to fit on straight needle can anyone help me?

You can knit back and forth on the dpns until you have enough rows knit that you could put it onto straight needles. Probably you’ll start this at the end of a round or wherever the pattern directs. Just move the needle in your right hand to your left hand and work back toward the beginning just as if you’d come to the end of a row in flat knitting. What is the name of the pattern or can you post a link to it?

thank you so much I am going to try and Im bound and determind to figure this out. Try try again

my pattern I tells me to change from knitting in the round which is with 4 dpn to straight knitting
Does the pattern possibly mean to switch to a circular needle and continue straight (without increases or decreases) in the round?

@ margrue: What are the exact words the pattern uses? You may not think it makes a difference, but there are some specific phrases in knitting instructions which don’t mean the same thing as those words would in “normal English,” and “knit even” is one of them, along with “knit straight,” “continue in pattern,” and a few others. (Speaking as an “interpreter” of crochet patterns to English, and sometimes knitting phrases to English.)

What does the pattern say to do?



You can use circs to knit flat, or straight needles, or even 2 of the dpns if the sts will fit on them. A link to the pattern is really helpful to determine the best answer for your questions. If it says ‘work even’ that means to continue in your stitch pattern with no incs or decs.