
Haven’t picked up knitting needles in about 20 years & was never the most experienced knitter, but I’ve got my 1st grandchild on the way, so have begun a cardigan, but I’m stuck on the left front.
Pattern is moss st for 1st three rows then it says moss st & slip 4 sts onto a holder. Does that mean I p1 then slip stitches or slip first 4 stitches on a holder??? I know common sense says 1st 4 sts cos its the border but whichever way I try it, the wool seems to be pulling over

Work the first 4 sts in moss st and then slip them to the holder. That way toe yarn will be in the correct position to work the next st and the rest of the row.

Aha…so simple now you’ve told me. Thanks very much for that salmonmac

Same here. I wasn’t that great at knitting to begin with and put it down for 15 years. I’ve only been knitting for a couple of years now and learning more all the time. You’ll get it with time and practice. You might want to check out the patterns at Lion Brand Yarn’s website. It can be hard to navigate at times, but they rate patterns according to ability. You can do some beginner patterns until you get your confidence back. They have some great baby sweaters that are simple to do. These are some of my favorite sites for baby patterns. I’m going to be a first time grandma as well. Congrats!