
I don’t know how to communicate with forums so here goes - i’m new to knitting and having trouble reading a pattern when it says rep last 2 rows 6 times times more - does that mean 12 - each row 6 times - im suppose to have 4 inchs done and i only have 3? Thank you


To answer your first question–yes, when it says to repeat the next two rows 6 times more, you will repeat each row, in order, six times for a total of 12 more rows.

So, just for the sake of example, let’s call the rows, row 1 and row 2. You would knit:

Row 1
Row 2
Row 1
Row 2
Row 1
Row 2
Row 1
Row 2
Row 1
Row 2
Row 1
Row 2

About having only 3 inches instead of 4–this has to do with your row gauge. The row gauge you are getting is probably not the same as what your pattern calls for. [I]However[/I], it is very difficult to get stitch gauge (the gauge across your knitting) AND row gauge (the gauge up and down your knitting) at the same time, unless you are using the same exact yarn. Even then, it can be difficult. The important one to get is stitch gauge, though, because if you are knitting a sweater, for example, you want it to be the right width. It is easier to adjust the length. You can usually do that by just knitting some extra rows, although if your pattern has any armhole shaping, you may need to adjust that too.

I hope that I didn’t confuse you with all that! If you have a link to the pattern, or can post the section of it that’s giving you trouble, that would help us to see more clearly what’s going on.

Clear as mud?

What Marria said is exactly right. If you don’t get the correct length, knit those rows a couple more times until you do have 4".