Help with W&T in pattern

Hi all,
I have a pattern for a sweater that has the following instructions for short rows:

Row 1: K 32, w&t
Row 2: P to BOR, P 32, w&t
Row 3: K to 5 sts before wrapped st, w&t
Row 4: P to 5 sts before wrapped st, w&t

Rep Rows 3 and 4 three more times.

I am getting confused on the repeat rows. I come to the little hole created by the w&t in row 4 and don’t know if I should pick up the wrap. If I pick up the wrap, how do I create a new w&t on the 5th st before wrapped stitch?

You shouldn’t be reaching any of the wraps during these repeats. If you get to one you’ll need to tink back a few stitches. Do you know how to undo one stitch at a time to go back a few stitches if you’ve gone too far?

Row 1 The first wrap on the knit side is at 32 sts
Row 2 Then work back to the centre on the purl side and work 32 past the centre, wrap and turn.
Row 3 work to the centre on the knit side then work 27 sts further. This brings you to 5 stitches before the wrap. Wrap and turn
Row 4 work to the centre on the purl side then work 27 stitches more. This brings you to 5 stitches before the wrap. Wrap and turn.
Row 5 knit side, work to centre, work 22 stitches more. Wrap and turn
Row 6 purl side. Work to centre then 22 stitches more. Wrap and turn.
Row 7 knit to centre. Knit 17 more. Wrap and trun.
Row 8 purl to centre. Purl 17 more. Wrap and turn.
Row 9 knit to centre. Knit 12 more. Wrap and turn.
Row 10 purl to centre. Purl 12 more. Wrap and turn.

Each row is shorter so you don’t reach the wraps yet. That will come later.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you! This was very helpful! I finally understood the concept.

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You’re very welcome,come. It’s good to hear that you are back on track.
Don’t hesitate to ask again if there are more tricky bits, there’s lots of help here.
We’d love to see a photo of your project too.