Hello everyone!
I’m currently trying my best to knit Rosedale (http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEfall03/PATTrosedale.html), and it’s my first cardigan. I’m not sure entirely why I chose “Piquant”, and it was a year since I started, but I think it was simply the best match with the yarn I had. Or something.
Well… I’ve knitted one sleeve and the body, and was going to attach that sleeve (and thus freeing the needle) before knitting the second sleeve, but I just feel incredibly confused about what I have in front of me. I’m not doing any intarsia by the way, I’m just doing it plain with one colour yarn.
It says:
[I]With RS of body facing, k39[44, 47, 52] from right front.
Place marker.
Place next 8[8, 10, 10] sts on [B]holder for underarm[/B].
Pick up sleeve and place 4[4, 5, 5] sts each side of center marker on holder for underarm.
K53[57, 61, 65] sts from sleeve.
Place marker.
K39[44, 47, 52] sts from back, place marker, k39[44, 47, 52] sts, place marker.
Put next 8[8, 10, 10] sts on holder for underarm.
Pick up second sleeve and place 4[4, 5, 5] sts each side of center marker on holder for underarm.
K53[57, 61, 65] sts from sleeve.
Place marker.
K39[44, 47, 52] remaining sts from left front, working front intarsia rectangle as established. 262[290, 310, 338] live sts, 4 seam markers, 1 marker at center of back. [/I]
Now… I’m very Swedish, so English is not my native language, but doesn’t “holder” indicate for example a huge safety pin? O_O Cause if I put all those stitches on a holder, I have a hole. And what am I supposed to do with this hole? I can’t find where it says what to do with it! Am I supposed to just know?
And then “seam markers” are mentioned. Which ones of these markers are seam markers?
I really hope someone can help me!
Thanks in advance