Help with understanding yoke directions

Hello everyone!

I’m currently trying my best to knit Rosedale (, and it’s my first cardigan. I’m not sure entirely why I chose “Piquant”, and it was a year since I started, but I think it was simply the best match with the yarn I had. Or something.

Well… I’ve knitted one sleeve and the body, and was going to attach that sleeve (and thus freeing the needle) before knitting the second sleeve, but I just feel incredibly confused about what I have in front of me. I’m not doing any intarsia by the way, I’m just doing it plain with one colour yarn.

It says:

[I]With RS of body facing, k39[44, 47, 52] from right front.
Place marker.
Place next 8[8, 10, 10] sts on [B]holder for underarm[/B].
Pick up sleeve and place 4[4, 5, 5] sts each side of center marker on holder for underarm.
K53[57, 61, 65] sts from sleeve.
Place marker.
K39[44, 47, 52] sts from back, place marker, k39[44, 47, 52] sts, place marker.
Put next 8[8, 10, 10] sts on holder for underarm.
Pick up second sleeve and place 4[4, 5, 5] sts each side of center marker on holder for underarm.
K53[57, 61, 65] sts from sleeve.
Place marker.
K39[44, 47, 52] remaining sts from left front, working front intarsia rectangle as established. 262[290, 310, 338] live sts, 4 seam markers, 1 marker at center of back. [/I]

Now… I’m very Swedish, so English is not my native language, but doesn’t “holder” indicate for example a huge safety pin? O_O Cause if I put all those stitches on a holder, I have a hole. And what am I supposed to do with this hole? I can’t find where it says what to do with it! Am I supposed to just know?

And then “seam markers” are mentioned. Which ones of these markers are seam markers?

I really hope someone can help me!
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

A stitch holder can be a large safety pin like holder, or a piece of scrap yarn. The hole it leaves will be for the underarm and you should also have 8 sts on the sleeve to match; later you’ll graft them together.

Ah, now I get it! I thought it should be dealt with straight away in some manner.

You don’t happen to know which markers are seam markers as well? :S

The seam markers will be those you place on that joining row (joining the pieces on one needle) that will be where the body and sleeve sts meet. You will probably be decreasing at those points for the yoke shaping.