Help with understanding increase

I’m working on a sweater for my cat and the pattern I’m following is doing a rib stitch so k1, p1 and then having me do M1L increases and my only question is what would that M1 increase be in the next round, k or p? Would I continue doing k1, p1 stitches regularly even with the extra stitch? I’m trying to keep my project as clean looking as possible and these added stitches are confusing me :frowning:

Also for more information, the pattern increases every other round

An increase will break the pattern at the increase point. Every second time you add an increase you will end up with two purls or two knits near each other until you increase again.

Some are “fixing” this by creating decorating patterns. You can find many caps that have used this when decreasing (as decreasing ribbing got the same problem).

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The increases will briefly interrupt the pattern, but often this looks like a sort of seam effect, which is not unpleasing.

In the pattern, can you see the increase line in the photos?

Which pattern are you using?