Help with understanding a pattern

Hello. I’m currently trying to knit a sweater. As you can see, the pattern tells me to ‘work as given for back of round neck cardigan until ** is reached’.
I’ve worked up until the ‘shape raglan’ but now I’m stuck on what it is telling me to do next.

I have 40 sts on my needle at the moment as I am working on the smallest size.

Thank you for your help.

I’m assuming you are working in the front but have not yet done the back, is that right?
The shape raglan prior to the ** is to cast off in pattern.
Up to this point you have been working a 4 row pattern and you will continue this same pattern I the next 2 rows but at the same time cast off (bind off) 3 stitches at the beginning of the row. This means work one stitch (knit or purl depending which row in the pattern you are on) then work a second stitch. 2 stitches on the right needle, lift the first over the second and off the needle, leaving one stitch on the right needle. Do this 3 times, each time working knit or purl depending on the instruction in the row you are on. Work the rest of the row as normal.
This will reduce by 6 in total.

If you are working the front then after these 2 rows you go back to the front instruction and work the instruction for 1st size.

Is this what you needed? Let us know if you need more help.