Help with this instruction Please!

I’m having trouble understanding this instruction. Read it though several times already but still don’t get it.
Please help.

Patt 37(41-45-49-51), inc in next st, patt 2, inc in next st, patt 5(5-5-7-9), inc in next st, patt 5(5-5-7-9), inc in next st, patt 2, inc in next st, patt to end … 98(106-114-126-134) sts.

The instruction ‘patt’ means pattern or work sts in pattern. For the smallest size you begin by continueing the pattern you have been doing on previous rows for 37sts and later for 2 or 5 sts.
The next instruction is to ‘inc in next st’ which is increase by doing a knit front and back in the next stitch. You can see that demonstrated under the Glossary tab at the top of the page, k1fb if you’d like.
This line in the instructions is a way of increasing the number of sts without stopping the pattern sts that you have been doing.