Help with the rabbit please

I’m assured it’s a smoother sailing when I’m done with the face… until then

Question 1: Row 13 says M1 but doesn’t specify R or L. Is there a neutral M1 that doesn’t slant? If not, what do you suggest I do?

Question 2: Row 14 starts off “P. Place marker at each end of the last row for Chin Marker” Do I have to start with P1, then put a marker and then continue purling until the last stitch where I place another maker?

Question 3: how to I separate the nose from the cheeks? It looks like I’m supposed to knit some but leave some untouched on my needle (row 15 and row 16) because by the time I get to those rows I have 29sts to work with?

  1. For the M1 you can use whichever increase you prefer and whichever slant you like. Since it’s not a line of increases, the slant isn’t going to be so pronounced.

  2. This sounds like a marker in a stitch at either end of the row rather than a marker on the needle. This marker will stay in place as you continue with further rows whereas a marker on the needle moves up with each row. Look later in the pattern under Chin to see if there is reference to these markers.

  3. On rows 15 and 16 you’re setting up to work on the center 11sts for the Top of Nose and Forehead. Leave the unworked sts on the needle if you wish or you can place them on holders or waste yarn (these will be the cheeks). Later after working the forehead, you’ll cut the yarn and return to the Cheek Side 1 and work that with a new end of yarn.

These animals and small projects are a learning experience. There are lots of techniques that will come in handy on other projects. Looking forward to seeing a photo of your finished rabbit!

Okay, I got to “…separate top nose from cheeks” :sweat_smile:

I still don’t understand Row 15-16

Here’s what I think I should do:

  • knit the first 20 sts (from top of the needle) this would leave 9sts (out of the 29sts from row14) on the the left.
  • then I turn and rework 11 of those 20 stitches with purl ( leaving 18sts but half of those longer than the other half from previous having knit a row)
  • and then row 17-26 are all built onto those last 11 sts.

What confuses me is that this 11sts section I’m building it the nose to forehead— I’m supposed to then build cheeks off each side. How do I do that when it seems I’m only working the right side of the sts and not the middle. I must be missing something here.

Nvm I got it! :sweat_smile:


It’s great when you suddenly understand something isn’t it?

Very good! It often helps to work this with stitches on the needle. Sometimes concepts or instructions that are unclear make perfect sense when you have the work in your hands.
Enjoy working the rest of the pattern and come back anytime with questions or comments.

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Okay so I’m back lol
I restarted because I realized I had messed up a few times and had bumpy rows on the right side… more than once :woman_facepalming:t4:
For some reason, I can’t seem to purl row 10&12 so that it ends up with “v” on the RS and bumps with the rest of the bumps. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. When I look at the finished product, i don’t see where bumps would show up among the knit side. I’m working the nose area right now and below is what it should look like.

So you are ending up with reverse stockinette rows (purl bumps on RS)?

It does look like the whole bunny is in stockinette in the picture.

Could you be getting right side and wrong side rows confused? Or have you omitted or added a row so that you are no longer starting right side rows on the right side?

Row 9 is a right side row (knitting with some increases), then turn and purl row 10 as a wrong side row.

Ditto for row 11 (knitting with more increases), then turn and purl row 12 as a wrong side row.

Or is it isolated purl bumps from the kfb? These are normal and I can see one on the muzzle in the photo.

If you restart, it might help to put a locking stitch marker on the right side of your work. This helps me when I get confused.

Cute bunny!

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Could you be getting right side and wrong side rows confused? Or have you omitted or added a row so that you are no longer starting right side rows on the right side?

I’m only turning when told to. the RS is the one with the Vs so I don’t think I’m confused about that.

But I see what I did wrong… because row 10 & 12 are together, I didn’t follow the instructions properly. I somehow didn’t realize that they are not right after each other… I have to knit row 11 in between.

Thank you so much for pointing it out! I was stumped!


Oh, I’m so glad you worked it out!

I am thinking of making a bunny myself. I have a tissue box of tiny fabric and wool scraps that I’ve been saving in a thrifty way to use as stuffing for a toy. Plus I have some unspun wool somewhere that I bought as a mill end for stuffing.

Knitting patterns quite often do this, leave out rows in the list because the instruction has already been given. What out for it in the rest of the pattern too.

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What a great idea! I’m debating using something weighted for the stuffing— we’ll see!

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All done and I absolutely love it! :slight_smile: Now working on a skunk.


Wow! Fabulous rabbit, you must be super pleased!