Help with Slipping a Stitch

It has been awhile since I’ve done any knitting, so I’m a little rusty! This is the pattern I’m working with:

When working the first part of the pattern in Moss Stitch, the pattern calls for you to slip the first stitch before continuing with the rest of the row … should the stitch be slipped knit-wise or purl-wise? Or does it not matter?

The pattern does say to “slip a stitch with yarn in back” at times and then at other times to “slip a stitch with yarn in front” at others. Is this the same as saying that in the first row the stitch would be slipped knit-wise and in the second row it would be slipped purl-wise? Or is this something different?

Any insights would be much appreciated!

Hi and welcome to KH!

Unless the pattern states otherwise then usually you will slip purl wise. When I made this blanket I slipped all sts purl wise :thumbsup:

The moving of the yarn in front or back isn’t telling you how to slip the st…its more of a design effect :thumbsup:

Thank you so much for replying so quickly! I’m new to these forums, but everyone seems so friendly and helpful that I have a feeling I’ll quickly become a regular! :muah:

Slipping the stitch knitwise or purlwise is just how you insert the needle to slip, where the yarn is doesn’t enter into it. Most people slip the first st of a row purlwise and the yarn can be either in the back or front.

Unless you’re knitting combined, then purl or knitwise doesn’t really matter because you’re always entering the loop from the right hand side.

Unless you’re knitting combined, then purl or knitwise doesn’t really matter because you’re always entering the loop from the right hand side.

I don’t knit combined, but knitwise and purlwise are not the same thing. Knitwise you enter the stitch from left to right, purlwise you enter it right to left.

kmaclean so glad you are like the forums…a lot of helpful people here :hug:

I thought there was a difference…I’ve always heard/read…If you slip the st knit wise you will twist the st…this is why its used a lot with decreases…like ssk…however when you slip the st purl wise it doesn’t cause a twist

When you slip the yarn in the back it doesn’t change the way your knitting looks 'cause the yarn stay in the back…however when the yarn is in the front and then you slip…it creates a diagonal bar in front of the st…:thumbsup:

ahhhh! That makes so much sense when you say it that way :slight_smile:
That definitely clears things up!