Help with shaping front neck on cardigan

Hi, I need some help with understanding instructions for shaping front neck on right front of baby cardigan. The pattern says:
Next row K12 and slip these stitches on to holder and pattern to the end.
Keeping patt correct dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6rows.
My question is : is the neck edge the opposite one to the shoulder shaping edge i.e. at the middle of the front? If so, I will start decreasing at the end of the next row. Is that right?
That might sound silly but just want to be absolutely sure before I continue. Thanks

What is the name of your pattern and designer?
Yes, the neck edge is the opposite edge to the armhole or commonly the shoulder shaping.
The neck edge is toward the middle where the button or buttonhole bands will be.

The 12sts are likely at the front neck. The decreases on the next row will then be at the end of that row.

Thanks very much for your prompt and clear response. The pattern is the little ridge cardie in King Cole Newborn book 2.

Have fun with the cardigan. It looks like a very cute book of patterns.

Thanks- it’s fun at times when going well! :thinking:

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