Hi Is anyone familiar with this rib pattern?
K1, *k1, p1; rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.
1st Row. S1p, (yfrt, s1p, ybk, k1) 13 times
2nd Row. P1, *knit to next st and loop across st, p1; rep from * to last 2 sts, knit to next st and loop across st, p1. It’s the “loop across st” part that I don’t understand. Please help if you can solve this, thanks
Help with rico design pattern 111
Nice sweater!
it seems that the direction should be:
2nd Row. P1, *knit together next st and loop across st, p1; rep from * to last 2 sts, knit together next st and loop across st, p1
You’ll need to pick up the loop in back of the knit stitch with the left needle, place it on the left needle and knit it together with the knit stitch. There should be directions at the beginning or the end of the pattern for this stitch.
salmonmac http://forum.knittinghelp.com/users/salmonmac
Mod Squad
March 17
Nice sweater!
it seems that the direction should be:
2nd Row. P1, *knit together next st and loop across st, p1; rep from *
to last 2 sts, knit together next st and loop across st, p1You’ll need to pick up the loop in back of the knit stitch with the left
needle, place it on the left needle and knit it together with the knit
stitch. There should be directions at the beginning or the end of the
pattern for this stitch.
Thank you I will try this method. I double checked the pattern again and
there are no instructions for this stitch, although the usual abbreviations
and meanings are given. I emailed Rico design about this but haven’t heard
back from them yet. I’m expecting my yarn delivered tomorrow and can’t wait
to get started on it. I really love the design and yarn too. Thank you
again GezVisit Topic
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I’m trying to get my head around this one too. Did you ever get a response back from Rico?
Fifilamb http://forum.knittinghelp.com/u/fifilamb
July 14
I’m trying to get my head around this one too. Did you ever get a response
back from Rico?
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no I didn’t get a reply from rico. The advice I was given on knitting help
was correct, and I was able to work the pattern. I didn’t knit that
cardigan after all. I returned the yarn as it was completely different
colours to the pattern.
In Reply Togezhudson http://forum.knittinghelp.com/u/gezhudson
March 17
salmonmac http://forum.knittinghelp.com/users/salmonmac
Mod Squad
March 17
Nice sweater!
http://www.ravelry.com/projects/Heather1612/shawl-collared-cardigan it
seems that the direction should be: 2nd Row. P1, knit *together next st and
loop across st, p1; rep from * to last 2 sts, knit together …
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Thank you . I think I have worked it out.
Hi I have just started this Rico pattern and I still can’t get my head around it !
Are there any simpler instructions or a video somewhere for the stitch ?
Is it the 3rd row that you’re having trouble with? Have you worked rows 1 and 2?
It’s a kind or brioche or fisherman’s knit. If you P1 and then peek over the back of your knitting you’ll see the bar from the yarn in front (yfrt), slip, yarn back (ybk) of the previous row. That’s the loop that gets knit together with the knit stitch. Each knit stitch is worked this way.
Yes it is the 3rd row. And now it makes more sense !
I’ll have another go in the next day or so and let you know how I got on.
It is a lovely jumper I’m doing it in purples/teals.
My second Rico pattern and that had a typo error too but I worked that one out !
Thank you
Well I’ve had the errata on this pattern sent to me by Love Knitting and I’m still confused.
" *knit together next st". … knit together with what ??
A knit together is usually 2 stitches knitted together, this doesn’t tell you exactly what bits are supposed to be knitted together with each other??
The full errata is
Errata: 2nd Row for Left Front, Right Front and Lower Border should be read:
1, *knit together next st and loop across st, p1; rep from * to last 2 sts, knit together next st and loop across st, p1.
The next st is knit together with the loop across the stitch. I think as noted above that the loop across the stitch may be in back of the stitch. If you look over the needle at the back of the next stitch there should be a yarn strand or loop from the previous row (from slipping the stitch with yarn in front). That strand is what is knit together with the “next stitch”/
Thank you salmonmac , for some reason I didn’t get a notification of this post :-/ … Id given up on the cardi for the time being, but wiil prob go back to it , I’ve copied your reply
Hi - I’m only a beginner so apologies if I’ve got the wrong end of the thread (s’cuse the pun), but I was struggling with Rico pattern 614 which has the same line of instructions in the pattern. (It was labelled as an ‘easy’ pattern so I was a bit miffed!). Anyway, I took it to the Stitch Festival and there was a knitting surgery there who kindly helped me. I was told that there must be an error in the line (1st Row) - was told it is a ‘Brioche stitch’ and basically to ignore ‘ybk’. When you k1 in 1st row, you take the yarn from the front and wind it around the needles, creating a ‘yarn over’. You end up with extra loops on the needle which sort of cross over and create 'X’s on the needle. These are the loops referred to in 2nd row I think. Will put link to video for Brioche below. Interestingly I emailed Rico also and have received no reply and their website is no help at all!
Hi, am trying to get started on the Rico 111 pattern. Nightmare, aware that Row 2 is wrong, bit can’t even get R1 to work - says to work stiches in brackets 13 times but it’s impossible, the most you can do is 6 times and still least with 2 sts. Has anyone had success with this pattern?
Welcome to the forum!
This pattern really does seem difficult to get started.
1st Row. S1p, (yfrt, s1p, ybk, k1) 13 times
For row 1, there’s one stitch before the parentheses and the repeat takes 2sts each time so 26sts. For the repeat, bring the yarn to the front between the needles, slip one purlwise then bring the yarn to the back over the right needle and finally, knit 1. This will create the “loop across st” referred to in Row 2. Yfrt and ybk should be defined in the pattern, maybe at the beginning or end. This is a brioche sequence and gives you the cushy rib pattern shown in the pattern photo.
What is your stitch count before working the row?