Help with reading chart with repeats and different sizes

I’m working on the right front of a cardigan sweater. The instructions state there is a 6 st integral button band at the beginning of the RS rows and a 4 st garter st selvage at the end of the RS rows.

For the size I’m making, there are 62 stitches. So I think that means there are really only 52 stitches to work in the middle/repeats.

My confusion is in the end of the pattern with the size adjustments. The repeat as noted by the red box is 10 stitches. Easy until I reach the end. I’m doing 4 repeats (total 40 stitches).

So there are 12 stitches left before the 4 stitch selvage at the end. There are 3 stitches shown after the repeat to for 46”. Does that mean I only complete 9 of the 10 stitches in the final repeat?

Thank you!

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What is the name of your pattern and designer?
There should be specific instructions in the pattern about where to begin. If you begin with the 2sts to the left of the 46 line then continue with the chart repeat x 5 that will account for your 52sts.
It’s an interesting pattern and will be fun for us to see the pattern photo.

Chequerboard Jacket by Belinda Boaden. I understand the designer is deceased (per Ravelry).

I attached a picture of the relevant instructions.

Thank you for your response btw

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I like the look of this jacket. Are you working it in a chunky yarn?

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Yes. For my son for Christmas.

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