Hello experts
I’m knitting a dress (slightly A-shaped), working from hem up in St-st and then dividing my work at underarms for the top part with a v-neck in front and back of the garment.
So far I did well with the pattern I follow, however when starting to work on one of the back sides I got confused with the instructions. Can you help me please to understand it? (I get the short words but not the idea with the alternately rows).
(until here I worked and divided as written in a St-st back and forth):
Cont dec for armholes further (4) times more, at the same time dec 1 st for v-neck at end of first RS-row as follows:
Work until 3 sts rem, k2tog 1 edge st.
Rep dec for v-neck alternately every 4th and 2nd row until 6 sts rem. (<< Should I count the purl rows as well? when do I start to count?)
Thank you so much in advance!
It is taken from a Sandnes-garn’s pattern in case you are familiar with their writing.