Help with reading a pattern!

Hello experts :slight_smile:
I’m knitting a dress (slightly A-shaped), working from hem up in St-st and then dividing my work at underarms for the top part with a v-neck in front and back of the garment.

So far I did well with the pattern I follow, however when starting to work on one of the back sides I got confused with the instructions. Can you help me please to understand it? (I get the short words but not the idea with the alternately rows).

(until here I worked and divided as written in a St-st back and forth):

Cont dec for armholes further (4) times more, at the same time dec 1 st for v-neck at end of first RS-row as follows:
Work until 3 sts rem, k2tog 1 edge st.
Rep dec for v-neck alternately every 4th and 2nd row until 6 sts rem. (<< Should I count the purl rows as well? when do I start to count?)

Thank you so much in advance!

It is taken from a Sandnes-garn’s pattern in case you are familiar with their writing.

Welcome to the forum!
What is the name of your pattern?
You’re to continue the armhole shaping 4 more times and at the same time decrease one stitch at the end of the first RS row. Call that row 1. Then decrease at the neck edge on rows 5,7,11,13,17, 19 and so on. You’re alternating every 4th with every 2nd row for the neck edge decreases.

First, thank you for your quick reply!

The name of the the pattern is Willow Dress (taken from their latest summer edition).

I have now a total of 24 sts on my needle.
Correct me if I got it right -

Row 1 (right side): Decrease both for armhole and v-neck (total 22 sts)
Row 3: Decrease for armhole only (total 21 sts)
Row 5: Decrease both for armhole and v-neck (total 19 sts)
Row 7: Decrease both for armhole and v-neck (total 17 sts)
Row 11: Decrease for v-neck only (total 16 sts)
Row 13: Decrease for v-neck only (total 15 sts)
and so on decreasing for v-neck like you mentioned until 6 sts remain.

Great looking dress!

You’re working one shoulder first with the armhole decreases every other row, is that correct?
Then your written out directions look perfect. Have fun knitting the dress and please let us see a photo when you finish.