Hi, I need help please.
I’m knitting a Shawl Collar Cardigan for my husband. I’ve finished the body and just divided for the armholes. Then I got stuck. The next set of instructions read:
“Using straight needles and working on last 60 sts only, continue as follows: keeping in pattern, dec 1 st at neck edge, work in pattern to end. Work even in pattern. Repeat these 2 rows until 43 sts remain.”
My questions: how do I determine the neck edge? & am I to leave 43 sts between the armholes?
I’m lost and confused. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I think it woukd help to know the bit of instruction just before this. I assume you were working in the round before the divide for armholes. How many stitches did you have before the divide? How many id you hind off underarm hen you divided th font and back? And have you bound off any for the beginning of the neck?
It won’t be 43 stitches between armholes, this number will likely be the shoulder.
Don’t worry, this can be worked out with a little more information then you’ll be back on track.
The pattern I’m using is part of a kit i purchased from Mary Maxim called Shawl Collar Cardigan written by Joanne Yordanou.
Yes, I was working in the round before this a cable pattern over 268 sts. Those formed the body and after I reached 18" I divided for the armholes. That was working 69 sts in pattern then binding of 12 sts then working 133sts and binding of 12 then working pattern to the end.
No I’ve not done anything for the neck yet. All work thus far has been on the body of the sweater. It’s a one piece garment.
Is easier to understand the instruction with the picture in front of me. Although to be honest the numbers aren’t working out for me. I might be missing something or there could be an error in the pattern or a typo in your post.
When you divide for the armholes you separate into stitches for right front, underarm, back, underarm, left front. I would expect left and right front to be equal and to be roughly half the number of back stitches (I’m not sure but I am guessing the buttonband is added later and not included in this stitch count).
69 + 12 + 133 + 12 + 60 = 286
This doesn’t tally with the stitch count you gave of 268 and I don’t know why the 2 fronts would be different stitch counts. Can you just check the numbers again please? Check you are following all the correct numbers for the chosen size too.
I can answer your original question though, the neck edge is where the cardigan is open up the front and the decreases form the long gentle V shape of the shawl collar shape.
I think you need to check on the numbers before you begin this part though just to be sure to fix any errors before continuing.
Also, I asked if you were working in the round and I have perhaps confused the issue, were you actually working back and forth (flat knitting) on circular needles or did you join the stitches in the round? If you joined in the round is this cardigan front steeked?
You can take a picture of the relevant part of the instructions, just not the whole pattern. It would definitely help to see the rows before where you’re having the problem.
Thanks that’s really helpful. There were a couple of typos which meant the numbers didn’t add up.
Now, you should have
60 front, 12 bound off, 134 back, 12 bound off, 60 front
The reason for 134 on the back count is it says 1 stitch remains after the underarm bin off, add this to the 133 stated to work before the next bind off and this then all adds up to the 278 you had before the divide for front and back.
Just check you have these stutch numbers for the 2 fronts and the back before you continue and then you will be able to work the first front which is the left side as you would wear it.
On the first row, wrong side, dec 1 stitch as this is the neck edge, and wok to the end of the row.
Work the right side in pattern (59 sts)
Wrong side dec 1 st at beginning of the row for the neck edge, wok to end of row.
Work the right side (58 sts)
And continue like this until there are 43 sts remaining.
Hope this helps.
Do you feel you understand and are on track now?
Thank you. The way you’ve explained it makes more sense. Sadly I have to leave for work soon but this evening I’ll pull my project out and give it a go. I’ll let you know if I have any other questions