Hello, I am new here and need help with pattern.
Help with pattern
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Is it the decreases at various rows that are the problem? The rows you’ve numbered 1-4 set up the pattern and place the decreases at each end of the row. For the next 15 rows, call them rows 5-19, decrease at each end of the knit rows and purl rows (that’s 2 decreases every row).
Skip the direction with a 0 and go to the next direction.
Now decreases every other row, rows 21,23,25,27,29,31 and so on until you get to 49 sts.
If that’s not the question, just let us know where you need help. What is the name of your pattern and designer?
Thank you but I believe I do not finish on WS side facing, so do I do another row?
Actually I think I got it now. Thank you so much for your help. It was doing my head in. Not a very clear instruction.
You should be ok but if you every end with the incorrect side facing in a pattern, check the rows and stitch number, and then yes, go ahead and add an extra row.
Enjoy working the rest of your project! I find it so satisfying to keep decreasing on a pattern. I guess it’s knowing that I’m nearer the end and excited to see how it has all turned out.
Thank you. The pattern is Arabian by Lisa Richardson. So grateful I stumbled on this website.
We’re glad you found us too.
Great looking sweater!