Hi! I need help trying to figure out the graph and instructions I don’t know how to post a link but it’s the ribs & stripes knit yoke sweater from Yarnspiration. I’m new to knitting so that’s my first issue. I’m knitting in the round with cable needles. The instructions goes from rows to rounds on the body part and I don’t understand that as well. Needless to say, the graph makes no sense to me although I’ve seen countless tutorials - I’ve yet to see a graph with numbers in the middle. I actually was daring and knitted to the end of the yoke but I know my interpretation of the graph is totally wrong because I have more stitches than the pattern states. I’m so sorry for such a long post. Thank you so much for your help.
Help with pattern
Welcome to KH! Is this the pattern you’re doing? Do you have a problem we can help with? If you would please you can edit your post to remove the attachment and add the pattern link to avoid copyright issues. Nobody wants to get in trouble for distributing patterns without permission.
This pattern is knit top down in rounds. After the cast on, the neck is joined in the round and continues in the round.
The numbers in the 2 sectons of the graph are just to make it easier for your eye to follow across the gap in the chart. The gap is only in the chart, not in your knitting! It’s the way the designer has chosen to accommodate the increases that are worked in the yoke. By the time you get to round 31, the chart is continuous across the repeat.
Round one is a 4 stitch repeat around. What size are you making? How many sts do you have on the needles and at what point are you (which round) in the pattern?
Your kntting and colors look fabulous. Good going.
Thank you so, so much for your prompt reply! I actually knitted the neck and yoke (up to row 34 in the chart) but I’m not sure how it’s suppose to look like. I’m suppose to have 180 sts but I ended up with
11 extra stitches. Maybe I repeated a row. I did everything in the round by rows however, I’m not understanding in the body part where it says, keeping cont of stripe pat 1, Purl next 9 rounds. I thought I was knitting in the round by rows already. Does it mean 9 rows? That seems like a whole lot of rows before the body of the sweater begins after I divide for the sleeves. I appreciate your time and knowledge and for your encouragement.
Your knitting is lovely! I’m glad you posted your photo, thanks. For posting links I just copy/paste the url in the reply box. There’s a thing at the top of the box for a Hyperlink that you could use also. I’m using a laptop and don’t know what works on other devices.
It’s possible that you repeated a round.
Keeping the continuity of the stripe pattern just means to keep the color sequence with the correct number of rounds per color. As you’re doing this, purl the next 9 rounds. The purl stitches will be facing out on the public side of the knitting. Just purl every stitch.
This direction: “Keeping cont of Stripe Pat I, purl next 7 (9-13-15-17-19) rnds.” which occurs at the bottom of the 3rd column on page 2 is before the split for the sleeves not after.
If you think there are too many rounds before the divide for the sleeves you can always slip the sts to a length of waste yarn or a second needle and try the sweater on. Then you can be sure of where to divide for the sleeves. You don’t want the divide to occur to early and make the sleeve opening too tight.
One note on the difference between rows and rounds. When you knit back and forth, each turn of the needle starts a row. There isn’t any back and forth in this pattern. Each round is marked when you pass the beginning of round marker.
Can I say, I love it here! Thank you so much for all your help and much love and knitting to all!
Have fun with this sweater. You’ve made a great start!