I am working on the neckline of my jumper. Just wandering if the first row (where I picked up the stitches) counts.
The pattern says to pick up the stitches and from row 2 work in rib for 9 rows ending up with a ws row. So far I am at row 9, if I understand correctly, I have one more row to work before casting off. ISI this correct? Thank you !
Help with pattern
According to the pattern you need to work 9 rows in rib, not counting the pick up row. You can look at the neck band and see if you like the depth of the band. You can knit it to a size that you like whether that means knitting fewer or more rows.
I agree with salmonmac. You choose how many rows. I can’t guess what the pattern instruction means. It seems you’ll be knitting in the round so ending with a ws row seems odd. (I understand ‘jumper’ as meaning a pulI over as opposed to a cardigan. Please correct me if I’m mistaken.) I don’t count the cast on as a row even with ltco which many say is also row 1. If you think about it, pu&k is a cast on. You start with an empty needle and put loops of yarn on it. I understand that to be the definition of a cast on.
It only mentions seaming the right shoulder, so maybe it means to knit flat with the left shoulder seam still open?
I think this would be aimed at the knitter who only has straight needles to work with.
Seaming both shoulders and knitting the neckline in the round would mean one less seam.
Thank you for all your help! I will knit one more row and see how it looks like
The pick up and knit row is the right side, then work 9 more rows, meaning row 10 is wrong side which is where you finish ribbing. Turn, now row 11, which is the bind off on the right side.
It is flat knitting and seamed after.
As salmonmac said though, you can work as many rows as you like on the collar. And you can even bind off on the wrong side if you wanted to, binding off in pattern will look the same on either side and leave the collar 1 row shorter, if that’s what looks nice.