Help with pattern

Hello, I’m struggling to understand part of a pattern I’m doing, I’m not ending with the correct amount of stitching, can someone help me please
Many thanks

Work on this last set of 27 sts only for right front as follows:
Dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge of next and 2 following 4th rows then on following 8 alt rows
Work 1 row


These instructions take a bit of getting used to.
If you call the next row, row 1 then dec 1 stitch at the raglan edge on rows
1, 5, 9, (That’s the next row and following 4th row and again following 4th row)
Then rows
11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 (these are the alternate rows, 8 of them)

Dec of 11 stitches in all.

I hope this helps.

Oh my goodness thank you so much, the wool is threadbare due to the amount of times I’ve opened it :rofl: thank you

You’re very welcome.
Next time ask before the yarn is threadbare haha.

Seriously though, if your yarn is looking rough it would be good to cut it and restart your yarn at the beginning of this row, leaving 2 tails to weave in later. You don’t want some tatty yarn ruining a project you’ve put so much effort into.

And feel free to ask questions, the members here are so friendly and helpful. I’ve had loads of help.

Thank you very much :slight_smile: