Help with pattern instructions

Hi, I’m a new knitter…I know basic stitches. I have this pattern that I want to make, it is supposed to be for beginners. However, I don’t quite understand the instructions. Can anyone help me with this? Here’s the link to the pattern:

This is the part that I’m having trouble understanding:

Using MC, CO 84 (100, 116) sts. (WS) Purl 1 row.
Begin Elongated st patt and Stripe Sequence, and AT SAME TIME, shape center Front and center Back EOR as follows:
All (RS) rows: K1, k2tog, knit across to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, slip marker, k2tog, knit across to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
All (WS) rows: Work even in patt.
Work 28 (34, 40) rows total in Elongated st patt, ending (WS) Row 4—28 (32, 36) sts rem for neck.
(RS) BO all sts loosely purlwise.

So, I know how to cast on the stitches, and purl. Also, I can figure out the elongated st patt and stripe sequence, but the part, “at same time, shape center front and center back EOR as follows…” I don’t understand.

Basically what you will be doing is following your stitch pattern with some decreases or increases thrown in for shaping.

Yours are decreases so at the beginning of row 1 of your pattern (RS,) you will K1, k2tog, knit with your extra wrap across to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, slip marker, k2tog, knit with the extra wrap across to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.

Row 2 (WS) you knit across and drop your loops

Row 3 (RS) K1, k2tog, knit across to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, slip marker, k2tog, knit across to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.

Row 4 (WS) Purl across

Row 5 is a repeat of row 1 and Row 6 repeats row 2

Makes sense?

Ok, I think that makes sense.

Just another question. I know RS and WS mean right side, wrong side…what does this mean?
And…how do I “drop my loops”?

The RS of something is the side that faces out, where most of the patterning is dones; the WS faces in. You don’t do anything different for the sts, patterns just identify which is which. Dropping the loops refers to where you did an extra wrap on the sts like this row - Row 1: (RS) Knit, wrapping yarn around twice for each st. - so the next row you drop one of the wraps/loops and just knit into one of them. That’s what gives you the elongated stitch.

the right side is the side facing you when you knit the pattern. The wrong side faces you when you work the reverse row, usually a purl row.

the right side is the side facing you when you knit the pattern.

That may be worded a little confusing. You mean the stitch pattern row, not the whole pattern.

Thanks! I’m pretty sure I understand.

This pattern calls for a Super Bulky (6) yarn, and a 9mm needle.
I have a Bulky (5) yarn that I want to use, and 8mm needles…will this make a significant difference?

That could make it a little smaller. You can use 9mm needles with the Bulky yarn though and it will be fine, not loose or open.