Help with pattern instructions

Separating Front and back panels:
Set up BO 4 ,K78, BO 4
Knit until end of round.

(I am quite confused with the Reminder when and how is this done ? This isn’t an optional step is it ?Is this done simultaneously with the set up row? It’s confusing to me because it seems as if it’s almost an afterthought or optional . I’m sorry, this is very confusing to me . I’ve tried and pulled this out several times):

To bind off in the middle of a round, you need to work 2 new stitches. The live stitch from your bind off will join the stitch count to the left of it. You will have 78sts. Per side.
Cut your yarn and with new working yarn, begin knitting the next section. You can place the remaining untouched back panel stitches on hold or scrap yarn.

Thank you for your assistance.
(I feel so stupid and frustrated with knitting lately . I’ve knitted off and on since 10 yo, now 70
I’m wondering if it’s time to quit.)

The reminder is just a note about counting stitches as you work the set up row. When you bind off you end with a stitch on the right hand needle. Count that stitch as you continue to knit across the front or back. The important thing is to have 78sts across the front and 78 across the back when you finish.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. I think we all go through a period where we question our abilities: an instruction that stumps or isn’t worded clearly, a sweater that doesn’t turn out as we wished, a stitch pattern that isn’t quite right. Keep on with this lovely, graceful sweater and enjoy working it. You’ve gotten this far. You can do it!

If its any comfort that “reminder” would have thrown me too. I know how to do this bind off but the wording there make it all sound terribly difficult and like there are “brand new” stitches being used, brand new is odd and implies that stitches are being increased or cast on when they are not. The part about cutting yarn may not be necessary either and just adding more confusion. I think you will end up back at the start of the round and ready to use the same working yarn for the next row, I assume the front.

Some times I use markers to make sure I get my stitches in the right place, a marker after 4 stitches then one after the next 78, after the next 4, after the next 78 and there should be 4 left up to the beginning of round marker.
When working the bind off I have to remove the first marker (after the 4th stitch) in order to work the 4th bind off because the next stitch is needed but I don’t mind doing this because it is a reminder that I got the right 4 stitches and I should still see 78 before the next marker (1 already worked and 77 not worked).
I also, at times, say out loud what I’m doing, bind off 1, bind off 2, bind off 3, bind off 4.

I don’t think it’s time to quit! Knitting can be frustrating at times though. Maybe post sooner to reduce the level of frustration instead. You don’t have to struggle alone.
I hope it goes well for you now.


Dear Knitting friend (and master knitter)
I thank you sincerely for your encouragement and your expertise. Time and again you have come to the rescue. Having this resource is invaluable .

Again, deep gratitude.

Best regards,


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Aw, thank you. Hardly a master but lots of sweaters in my closet.
You’re doing a fine job and this sweater is going to be beautiful!

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