I’m a novice knitter and am attempting to make a pair of gloves (well arm warmers really!) for my sister in law for christmas.
I have worked in 2 x 2 rib with 54 stictches for 5 cm, as per pattern instructions. It then says " Rib 6 (4:4:6) rib 2 tog, (rib 2, rib 2 tog) 8 (10:10:10) times, rib 6 (4:4:6) 37 (39:39:43) sts. "
I cant make head not tail of this - if I rib 6 10 times (as thats the size I’m doing) and rib 2 tog, I end up with a total much more than 43 sts - (cant remeber how many - i ripped it out in disgust). Where does the (rib 2 rib 2 tog) fit in - do I do that after the rib 6 rib 2 tog on the same row?
The more I try & get my head round this the more confused I get - could anyone translate into English?!!