The pattern is called “Soft Boucle Mitts and Beret” which I got from the Bernat website-member only section.
I am a the part where you shape the thumb and have followed the instructions so far til Row 11. I pasted the instructions below.
Hope that helps. Thanks.
Mitts: Left Mitt: **Cast on 34 sts.
1st row: (RS). K2. P2. K2. Rep
from * to end of row.
2nd row: P2. K2. P2. Rep from *
to end of row. Rep these 2 rows
(K2. P2) ribbing for 2½ ins [6 cm]
ending on a 2nd row. Work 4 rows
in stocking st.
Shape thumb: 1st row: K15.
(M1. K1) twice. Knit to end of row.
2nd and alt rows: Purl.
3rd row: K15. M1. K3. M1. Knit
to end of row.
5th row: K15. M1. K5. M1. Knit
to end of row.
7th row: K15. M1. K7. M1. Knit
to end of row.
9th row: K15. M1. K9. M1. Knit
to end of row. 44 sts.
[B]11th row: K27. Turn. Cast on 1 st.
P13 (including cast on st). Turn.
Cast on 1 st. K14. ***Beg with a
purl row, work 9 rows in stocking st.[/B]
Next row: (K2tog) 7 times. Break
yarn. Thread end through rem sts.
Draw up and fasten securely. Sew
thumb seam. With RS of work facing,
join yarn to last st on right hand
needle. Pick up and knit 2 sts at
base of thumb. Knit across sts on left
hand needle. 34 sts. Cont even until
work from top of ribbing measures
6 ins [15 cm] ending with RS facing