Help! with pattern directions

I began a Stadium Blanket. The pattern directions are from [B]Creative Knitting[/B] the curent issue, September 2010 page 60 & 61
The directions appear to be so simple, the Blanket gorgeous.
Mine NOT SO MUCH! I am using Black and Gold… color A Black Color B Gold
2 colors A & B
[B]Block A[/B]
With A cast on 68 sts
[B]Row 1 & 2:[/B] With A Knit
[B]Row 3 & 4:[/B] change to B and work in St. st
Repeat Rows 1-4 until Block measures Approx 13 inches, ending with Row 2. Bind off with A.

[B]BLock B …[/B]
OK Questions…
I cast on… does this count as row 1?
I am counting one time across the needle as a row. is this correct?
(I did knit the first 2 rows) then when I switch colors, do I cut off the end? or carry it…? the picture blanket show no ‘joining row’… (mixed colors on one row, why does mine?
when I switched colors I knit the first row, purled the second, is this right or since the second row of color A was knitted… do I purl the first row of B?
See what I mean? Seems simple but what I knitted bears no resemblance to the pattern…& I like the pattern!
Can you clearly tell me what to do.?
Also RS and WS how do I know which is which?
BTW I have knitted lots of things… but these ‘simple directions’… am I am the only dunce who can’t get it right?
I appreciate anyone who can help me so I can continue knitting. meanwhile I am ripping out the rows I did!
God Bless you knitters of the World and the web

A cast on doesn’t count as a row, no matter which one you use and each trip working all the sts across is one row. You’re doing 2 rows with each color, so you’d loosely twist them around each other on the edge where you change. I’d say to knit rows 1, 2, and 3, and purl R 4 and that should work out to get the color changes. The mixed color look comes when you switch the colors and the purl bump on the garter st shows on one side. I don’t think it matters too much which is RS and which the WS, this will be reversible.

I agree:
cast on is never a row.
one row is a needle form end to end

knit row 1 with color A
knit row 2 with color A
(that makes a color block in garder stitch)

knit row 3 with color B
purl row 4 with color B

(carry your yarn up the side. tying in the ends would be hell and make the structure more apt to end in problems after a while (knot coming undone and so on)

the blanket will have a right side and a wrong side alright, though.

Where you do the purl row (row 4) shows the wrong side. from the right side the blanket will have a stochinette part for color B. the wrong side will alter between garder stitch and purl bumps.

the altering is on purpose for the right side, since it creates something like a rib pattern (up and down)

don’t worry: the look of the blanket from a little distance will be almost the same for both sides. From closer up you can see a good and another side :wink:

Enjoy your project!