Help with oattern

Help please. The pattern seems to end up with me having the wrong side facing but the image is clearly right side. What am I doing wrong

Welcome to KH!
The bobbles look good and the hat or sweater is going to be darling. You may have added a row or missed a row.
The first row after the garter rows is a Right side (RS) knit row with bobbles.
The next row is a Wrong side (WS) knit row.
Switch to larger needles. Row 1 (RS) is a knit row with purl sts about every 6th stitch.
Row 2 (WS) is a purl row.
Row 3 (RS) is knit with purls every 6th stitch
Row 4 (WS) is a purl row.
This pattern will give you stockinette with the knit side Vs on the RS.

You’re doing the correct thing by checking your knitting before you go too far and recognizing a mistake. We’d love to see a photo when you finish.

Thank you I’ve done it 5 times going much further and then I doing it all. I thought I had to make bobbles then knit 2 rows. I’m sure that’s what the pattern says so maybe I just do 1?

After the knit bobble row (call it row A) knit one row (row B) then work row 1 of the pattern which is basically knit with every 6th stitch a purl. So there’s really only one plain knit row, row B after the bobble row.

Thank you so much for your help I undid all of it and by trial and error I have worked out what the problem was. When I made the bobbles I allowed them to sit at the back of the work and wasn’t pushing them to the front so consequently it looked like I was working on the wrong side. Feel a bit silly but very pleased to have worked it out


Glad you worked it out. Enjoy the rest of the knitting!

Thanks for the advice it worked well


Did it ever! Looks beautiful. The little bobbles look like perfectly placed rosebuds.

Wow! Stunning!
The yarn colour choice is beautiful and I love the buttons you have chosen too… you must be very pleased with how this worked out.