Help with neckline and shoulders, front of jumper

Continuing the discussion from Help to Bind off back of jumper:


so I am almost there on my project :blush:

I am now trying to figure our how many rows I need to save to work on the circular neckline and shoulders.

The patterns says to start by binding off 30 stitches in the middle and work on the neckline every row from the inside (so every 2nd row- back row). I counted 11 diminutions in total so I believe I need to savez total of 22 rows to finish my work.

I also believe that I need to work on the shoulders towards the end of some of these final rows (by binding off at the beginning of every front row for 14 rows) so a total of 7 diminutions in the front.

If I am correct, I therefore need to start working on the shoulders on row 9 while carrying on working on the neckline.

Is this correct? Many thanks for your help!


Are you working both shoulders at the same time with 2 separate balls of yarn?
Can you quote these decrease row instructions exactly for us?

Thank you for your message :slight_smile:

My pattern says:

For the design:

Row 1: *knit 2, purl 2 start again from *

Row 2: *purl 1, knit 2, purl 1 start again from *

Row 3: *knit 2, purl 2 start again from *

Row 4: *purl 1, knit 2, purl 1 start again from *

Row 5: *knit 2, purl 2 start again from *

Row 6: *purl 1, knit 2, purl 1 start again from *

Row 7: *purl2, knit2 start again from *

Row 8: * knit1, purl2, knit 1 start again from *

Row 9: * purl2, knit2 start again from *

Row 10: * knit1, purl2, knit 1 start again from *

Row 11: *purl2, knit2 start again from *

Row 12: * knit1, purl2, knit 1 start again from *


At 44 cm high work the neckline: bind off 30 stitches in the middle of the row and work each side separately. Every two rows bind off 1x3, 3x2, 7 x1 (on the neck side).

At 46 cm High work the shoulders both sides and bind off 6x5 and 1x6.

I am just thinking that at some point I will bind off around the neck line (on the inside) as well, at the as the shoulders (on the outside). I think this will take me 22 rows to complete, is this correct ? Thank you so very much for your help !


It looks like the neck bind offs and the shoulder bind off will overlap since the neck decreases start at 44cm and the shoulder bind offs start at 46cm. It’ll take 22rows to complete the neck decreases and 14 rows to bind off the shoulders so they’ll probably end at about the same point. Ultimately it depends on the row gauge you’re getting in your pattern. That will give you an idea of how cm converts to row number.


Thank you so very much for your help! Much appreciated :hugs:

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I have just tried to finish one side of the neckline (after lots of doing and undoing) and I am not entirely sure of the result. I get confused because of the edge stitch on both side of my jumper when working the pattern to the neck and, then, casting off around the neck.
As it did not seem to work to keep the edge stitch on both side of every row from the neckline, I have tried to only keep it on the outside of the jumper (where I will eventually sew the jumper). This is the result…
Does it seem correct? I am getting so confused looking at it…
Thank you!

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That looks exactly right, just as the pattern directions say. This is going to be such a lovely top. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished sweater.

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