Hi, I got a “Mini Robyn Octopus” knitting set for Christmas and I’ve been really struggling to make the tentacles.
Here’s a snip from the pattern:
Yarn B; cast on 57
Row 1: Knit to end
Row 2: K36, W&T
Row 3: Knit to end
Row 4 (RS): K3, [k2, mb] 18 times
Row 5: Knit to end
Row 6: Yarn A; knit to end
Row 7: Knit to end
Row 8: K50, W&T
Now, if I follow these instructions I end up with my colour change showing on the right side:
When I’ve looked at others’ reviews of the set on Etsy it looks like most people don’t have this issue. I did see one review talking about how she had to edit the pattern to avoid this white line appearing in the blue, but she didn’t say how.
I’ve tried removing Row 5 but then all the shaping came out wrong. I’ve tried swapping Row 5 and Row 6 but then I had a problem with the second colour change:
Row 13: Knit to end
Row 14: K50, W&T
Row 15: Knit to end
Row 16: Yarn B; knit to end
Row 17: Knit to end
Row 18: K3, [k2, mb] 18 times
I think I’m right to say that the colour change rows need to begin on an odd row number (opposite to the bobble rows) so if I go ahead with swapping Row 5 and Row 6, I expect I also need to swap Row 15 and Row 16, but that would mean changing colour at the end of the W&T and I’m not sure I know how to do that.
It takes me forever to do the bobble rows and I’ve un-done these damn tentacles and re-done them in different ways enough times, I didn’t have the heart to try the above and fail again. I thought I’d post a question here and hope that someone (a) understands my problem and (b) has a solution!
I will patiently await an answer