Help with Kim Hargreaves Fisher cardigan

Hi. Please can you help me complete the back of Kim Hargreaves’ Fisher cardigan (shape shoulders and back neck). I can’t work out the casting off.
I have 64 sts. I cast off 5 sts (at side edge) and knit till 27 sts on R needle. Turn. Now I need to cast off 5 sts at beg of 2nd row. Is this cast off at the side edge or the centre? I.e. which is the 2nd row?

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These are very ambiguous instructions so I can appreciate the confusion. You want the shoulder cast offs to slant upward from the armhole and you want some shaping at the neck.
I would make the initial cast off of 5sts at the beginning of the RS row, knit till 27sts on right needle then turn and cast off 5sts at the neck. From then on work the cast offs at the armhole edge every other row.

So the initial cast off is at the armhole edge, call it row 1. The next cast off is at the neck edge on row 2. Then the following cast offs are on rows 3,5,7 and 9, all from the armhole edge.

This gives you space at the back neck and has a conventional shoulder shaping. You can also check with the front shoulder shaping which may be clearer because it needs to match up to the back shaping.

Thank you. That seems to have worked. :blush:

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Beautiful cardigan! Have fun with the rest of the knitting.