Help with instructions

Hi everyone, I need help. I don’t understand the instructions for the “body” section. Do I join panel B with the center panel and then to panel A? Also, what does Set up row (WS) : P 1 work set up row of side panel B over 9 sets, pm etc. I really don’t get it.

Thank you in advance

Center Panel
(panel of 33 sts)
Set-up Row (WS): K1, p1 tbl, k2, p3, k2, p6, k1, p1
tbl, k1, p6, k2, p3, k2, p1 tbl, k1.
Row 1 (RS): P1, k1 tbl, p2, k1, k2tog, yo, p2, 3x3
RC, p1, k1 tbl, p1, 3x3 LC, p2, yo, ssk, k1, p2, k1
tbl, p1.
WS Rows 2-8: K1, p1 tbl, k2, p3, k2, p6, k1, p1 tbl,
k1, p6, k2, p3, k2, p1 tbl, k1.
Row 3: P1, k1 tbl, p2, k2tog, yo, k1, p2, k6, p1, k1
tbl, p1, k6, p2, k1, yo, ssk, p2, k1 tbl, p1.
Row 5: P1, k1 tbl, p2, k1, k2tog, yo, p2, k6, p1, k1
tbl, p1, k6, p2, yo, ssk, k1, p2, k1 tbl, p1.
Row 7: Rep Row 3.
Rep Rows 1-8 for patt.

Side Panel A
(panel of 9 sts)
Set-up (WS): K1, p1 tbl, k1, p3, k1, p1 tbl, k1.
Row 1 (RS): P1, k1 tbl, p1, k1, k2tog, yo, p1, k1
tbl, p1.
WS Rows 2-4: K1, p1 tbl, k1, p3, k1, p1 tbl, k1.
Row 3: P1, k1 tbl, p1, k2tog, yo, k1, p1, k1 tbl, p1.
Rows 5-8: Rep Rows 1-4.
Rep Rows 1-8 for patt.

Side Panel B
(panel of 9 sts)
Set-up Row (WS): K1, p1 tbl, k1, p3, k1, p1 tbl, k1.
Row 1 (RS): P1, k1 tbl, p1, yo, ssk, k1, p1, k1 tbl,
WS Rows 2-4: K1, p1 tbl, k1, p3, k1, p1 tbl, k1.
Row 3: P1, k1 tbl, p1, k1, yo, ssk, p1, k1 tbl, p1.
Rows 5-8: Rep Rows 1-4.
Rep Rows 1-8 for patt.

Broken Stockinette Stitch (St st)
(any number of sts)
Row 1 (RS): Knit.
Row 2 (WS): Purl.
Rows 3-4: Knit.
Rows 5-8: Rep Rows 1-4.
Rep Rows 1-8 for patt.

With smaller ndl, cast on 115 (127, 139, 151, 163,
175, 187, 199) sts.
Row 1 (RS): K2, * k1 tbl, p1; rep from * to last 3
sts, k1 tbl, k2.
Row 2 (WS): K2, p1 tbl, * k1, p1 tbl; rep from * to
last 2 sts, k2.
Rows 3-8: Rep Rows 1-2, 3 times.
Row 9: Rep Row 1. Piece meas approx. 1” from
cast-on edge.
Change to larger ndl.


Note: This section is also charted for your
Set-up Row (WS): P1, work Set-up Row of Side
Panel B over 9 sts, pm, p31 (37, 43, 49, 55, 61, 67,
73), pm, work Set-up Row of Center Panel over
33 sts, pm, p31 (37, 43, 49, 55, 61, 67, 73), pm,
work Set-up Row of Side Panel A over 9 sts, p1.
Row 1 (RS): K1, work Row 1 of Side Panel A to m,
sl m, work Row 1 of Broken St st to m, sl m, work
Row 1 of Center Panel to m, sl m, work Row 1 of
Broken St st to m, sl m, work Row 1 of Side Panel

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The Body instructions for the set up row are giving you the order of the panels starting on the wrong side. You’ve already worked the ribbing at this point.
For the first size, from the wrong side, P1, panel B set up, p31, center panel, p31, set up panel A, p1. Place the markers as indicated in this set up row.
Turn at the end of the row and work row 1 of each of the panels (p1, A, broken st st, center, broken st st, B, p1) The A and B panels are separated from the center panel by the broken stockinette stitch panels.

What is the name of your pattern and designer?

How cute is this?!? Saving in my Favorites for next summer.

The pattern is Riviette; Designed by Rachel Brockman

Thank you; I am still not sure what to do. I did the center panel. I don’t understand what a set up row is.

Thank you

A set up row is really just a row before Row 1 that places the different pattern stitches along a sweater or blanket. In the case of this pattern it’s a wrong side (WS) row after the twisted rib. It gives you the order of the various pattern blocks.

When you turn to the right side (RS) or public side of the front the panels will be in order: edge stitch–Panel A–Broken St st–Center Panel–Broken St st–Panel B.

Begin knitting with the “Body” section of the pattern. The earlier sections aren’t worked by themselves but are inserted along the body of the top as described in the Body section of the pattern.

Are you saying you have knit a full centre panel? 33 stitches wide and many rows worked? Is that the problem?
Did you begin your knitting with “FRONT Hem”? Or with “centre panel”?

I began with the center panel

The directions for the panels precede the actual directions for the body of the sweater.
A set up row is really just a row before Row 1 that places the different pattern stitches along a sweater or blanket.

When you turn to the right side (RS) or public side of the front the panels will be in order: edge stitch–Panel A–Broken St st–Center Panel–Broken St st–Panel B.

Skip down to the instructions for the Front, Hem and follow from there.

Well, you’ve gotten some good practice on the lace section, then! But as @salmonmac has said, the pattern actually starts where it says:
With smaller ndl, cast on 115 (127, 139, 151, 163,
175, 187, 199) sts.

Cast on the # of stitches for your size. For convenience, it’s good to go through the whole pattern and mark your size before you start.
Then you’ll work 9 rows of ribbing, or about 1". After that, you need to follow the instructions for the different sections:
Note: This section is also charted for your convenience.
Set-up Row (WS): P1, work Set-up Row of Side Panel B over 9 sts, pm, p31 (37, 43, 49, 55, 61, 67,
73), pm, work Set-up Row of Center Panel over 33 sts, pm, p31 (37, 43, 49, 55, 61, 67, 73), pm,
work Set-up Row of Side Panel A over 9 sts, p1.

So you’ll purl 1, then follow what it says for the Set-up Row under Side Panel B, which uses 9 stitches, place a marker, work the number of purl stitches for your size, place a marker, do the Center Panel set-up row (33 stitches), place a marker, work another purl section, place a marker, work the set-up row for Side Panel A, and purl 1.

You will follow the instructions for all 3 panels for every row.

Hope this makes it more clear.


It can be confusing when there is lots of information given before a pattern begins. You will have a good size swatch of the cable panel to see what size you are working to and if you like the fabric. It’s really useful to work a cable panel swatch anyway to get a feel for the stitches.

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