Help with instructions


I am knitting a sweater hoodie.

I just managed to knit the front pocket as follows:

K83 [87:90: 94:96: 100: 103] and turn, leaving rem 22 |24: 27: 29: 31: 33: 36] stson a holder.
Next row: K2, P57 |59: 59: 61: 61:63:63], K2 and turn, leaving rem 2 |24: 27:29:31:33: 36] sts on a 2nd holder.
Work on this centre set of 61 [63:63:65: 65: 67]67: s
only for pocket front.
Next row (RS): K2, sl ,1 K1, psso, K to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2.
Next row: K2, P to last 2sts, K2

Next row: Knit.
Next row: K2, P2tog, P to last 4 sts, P2tog tbl, K2. Next row: Knit.
Next row: K2, Pto last 2sts, K2.
Rep last 6 rows 3 times more, then first 3 of these rows again, ending with WS facing for next row. 43 |45: 45:47:47: 49: 49] sts.
Next row (WS): K2, P to last 2 sts, K2.
Break yarn and leave these sts on a 3rd holder.

*This is the part I am stuck on:
Shape pocket back
With R$ facing and using 41⁄2mm (US 7) needles, rejoin yarn to sts of pocket lining and cont as folls: Next row (RS): K across 61 |63: 63: 65: 65: 67: 67] sts of pocket lining, then K across 22 |24: 27:29: 31:33:361 sts of right front side section left on 2nd holder. 83 [87: 90: 94: 96: 100: 103] sts.

I don’t know what I am supposed to do.

Can anyone help me please ?

Thank you very much,

What is that beautiful yarn you are using and what is the color? It is vibrant and stunning.
I’m so sorry I cannot help with the pockets but I’m sure one of the experts will help.

It is Malabrigo (merino wool) and the colour is called Tuareg.
Thank you for saying that because when I received it (I ordered it online), I was not sure I liked it.

What is the name of your pattern? It helps if we can see what it’s supposed to look like.

This looks like it’s going to be a pouch pocket. Have you knit the separate pocket lining?
At this point in the pattern you’re going to join the pocket lining (the back portion of the pocket) to the side or sides that are on hold. The front of the pocket is on the 3rd holder at the top in the photo.
With a new end of yarn (leaving about a 6" tail to weave in later), knit across the RS of the pocket lining then continue across the sts on one of the holders. The join will be only a singe strand of yarn but as you knit back and forth over this join, it will become firmer.

It seems to me that as you knit across on the pocket lining that you are going to continue to knit across that first set of held sts (holder #1) rather than holder #2 but that may be me or a minor mistake in the pattern.
Yes, knowing the name of your pattern and designer and also the size that you’re making (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) will help. Your knitting is lovely and even in this beautiful yarn.

Here is a picture. Thank you

Thank you so much. And I’m making the xl so the second to last.
You are so helpful.

I did knit the pocket lining. Maybe this is a stupid question, but how do I knit across the 33 stitches of the section on the holder ? I use the holder as a kneedle ?

That was a silly question on my part. I must have to take the stitches of the holder and put them on the needle. But I am not sure in which direction.

Classic, good-looking hoodie!
You actually could use the holder as a needle if the stitches are on the holder in the correct orientation, so not a silly question at all. It probably easiest to move the sts to another needle, even if it’s a smaller diameter needle then knit off that.
You want the tip of the needle pointing toward the right (the tip should be where the arrowhead is in the photo below). That way you can continue knitting those sts after you’ve finished knitting across the pocket lining.
KH7[quote=“Ballena, post:9, topic:160313, full:true”]

Thank you so much again.
So I replaced the holders with needles.
I am so lost, I don’t even know what my question is.

The top part is the pocket lining

The pocket lining is knit to the correct measurement? It’s rolled up so it’s difficult for me to tell. If it checks out, then with the RS facing knit across the pocket lining starting at the right edge in your photo and knitting across to the end of the lining (red arrow in photo below).
Now keep knitting across the sts on the needle on the left (orange arrow) to the end of the row. The following directions will probably have you turn and purl back across the sts you just knit (the right front and pocket lining) and continue on purling across the left front.
See if that makes sense and if not come back and we’ll figure it out. Getting confused is good because it usually precedes an aha! moment.

I have knitted with Malabrigo many times and have always loved it both during the knitting process and the finished product. You have discovered a gem!

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Tops on my list of favorite yarns too!

Thank you so much salmonmac for your help. So invaluable. I finally think I got it thanks to you !


That looks very good!
Now you’re going to knit the front body up to a certain point where the pocket will join to the center sts of the front (probably something like: knit one from the held sts together with one stitch from the working needle). Just let the held pocket sts hang out until you get to the join.
Love the color you chose.

Hi everyone !

So I’m back to my sweater and again I don’t understand what I am supposed to do.
It says the following :

It’s the section that says “shape front neck”
I knitted the ktog and knitted 15 stitches. It’s the parts after that, that I don’t get.
Thank you in advance!

Often confusing. You’re going to k2tog, k15 and then turn as you would at the end of a row. You’ll leave sts unworked on the left hand needle. They’ll hang out until you get to them later.
If you call the next row, row 1 then you’ll decrease one stitch at the neck edge on rows 1,2,3 and 4, then on rows 6,8.10 and 12.

At the same time at the raglan edge decrease one stitch on rows 2, 4,6,8,10 and 12. You should have 2sts remaining.