I am knitting a sweater hoodie.
I just managed to knit the front pocket as follows:
K83 [87:90: 94:96: 100: 103] and turn, leaving rem 22 |24: 27: 29: 31: 33: 36] stson a holder.
Next row: K2, P57 |59: 59: 61: 61:63:63], K2 and turn, leaving rem 2 |24: 27:29:31:33: 36] sts on a 2nd holder.
Work on this centre set of 61 [63:63:65: 65: 67]67: s
only for pocket front.
Next row (RS): K2, sl ,1 K1, psso, K to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2.
Next row: K2, P to last 2sts, K2
Next row: Knit.
Next row: K2, P2tog, P to last 4 sts, P2tog tbl, K2. Next row: Knit.
Next row: K2, Pto last 2sts, K2.
Rep last 6 rows 3 times more, then first 3 of these rows again, ending with WS facing for next row. 43 |45: 45:47:47: 49: 49] sts.
Next row (WS): K2, P to last 2 sts, K2.
Break yarn and leave these sts on a 3rd holder.
*This is the part I am stuck on:
Shape pocket back
With R$ facing and using 41â2mm (US 7) needles, rejoin yarn to sts of pocket lining and cont as folls: Next row (RS): K across 61 |63: 63: 65: 65: 67: 67] sts of pocket lining, then K across 22 |24: 27:29: 31:33:361 sts of right front side section left on 2nd holder. 83 [87: 90: 94: 96: 100: 103] sts.
I donât know what I am supposed to do.
Can anyone help me please ?
Thank you very much,